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In the morning all of the 3-E students were in class, waiting for class to start.

Surprisingly Karma decided to show up, already in his seat.

As he leaned back on the chair with his open book in hand Rio walked up to him, a wide grin on her face.
"Hey Karma I got a new dare for you"
"I don't want to play your childish games anymore" he responded, not taking his eyes off the book
"I see" she said, sitting down on the desk infront of his and then turning around to face him
"I guess it's fine it you don't want to kiss Nagisa"
Upon hearing those words he shut his book and stood up
"Well if you insist" he smirked before walking towards Nagisa who was talking with Sugino
Rio remained seated as she took her phone out, ready to take a rare picture.

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