Go Away

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Karma POV
"Karma....Karma" I heard a voice say gently
'Am I dreaming? It sounds like Nagisa's voice'
"Karma wake up, it's lunch time"
When I opened my eyes I was met face to face with Nagisa
He was leaning down, his face inches away from mine
"W-What are you doing?" I asked quickly sitting up and noticing that the classroom was empty
"It's lunch time, I wanted to know if you want to eat together"
I simply looked up at Nagisa as he smiled at me.
His beautiful blue clear eyes putting me in a trance.
Upon hearing my name I snapped out of it and realized that I was staring at him for a while.
"Are you ok? You're red"
"!!!" I quickly faced the other direcrion to prevent him from catching on
"Go away"
"Are you sick? Should I take you to the nurse?" He asked, his voice full of concern
"...You're distracting me"
"!!!....S-Sorry" he whispered and turned away, his footsteps soon fading away.


Now knowing that I was the only one in the classroom I looked up, my cheeks still feeling warm
'Oh my god, he's cute!'


Once I calmed down I looked at the door he walked out of a while ago.
"I should apologize"
And tell him properly

Karmagisa OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now