🎃 Halloween Special 2 🎃

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A collection of Halloween oneshots


I was bored waiting for Nagisa, so I decided to start cleaning up the attic.

While doing so I stumbled across a photo album.

I looked at it for a while, then I remembered that my grandmother was the one who gave this album to me before she passed away.

I opened it and began looking at all the pictures.
They all contained pictures of when my grandmother was younger.

I went through a couple of pages, then there was a group photo in front of a school building.
It was most likely a class picture when she was in elementary

I looked closer at It and-
I was shocked to see a certain person next to my grandmother.

It was....


Ding Ding
The doorbell rang

I stood up, threw the album and went to go open the door

Nagisa was right there.
I took a step back.

I don't know why I was soo scared of him...I mean he's my boyfriend
"You saw didn't you?" He said blankly


I was downstairs watching TV when I yawned
"I should go to bed" 
I grabbed the remote and turned the TV off.

I began walking up the stairs when I heard the TV in my room turn on
I froze


I stopped myself from saying anything else

What if it isn't Karma
I'll just end up getting myself killed

Don't they already know I'm here?

I decided I should first leave the house and call the police
I tried opening the door, but it was stuck

Thump Thump

I quickly ran and hid behind the sofa

The first thing I did was call Karma
I'm not sure why, I just wanted to hear his voice
"K-Karma" I whispered
"Nagisa? What's wrong?"
"Someone's in the house"
"What!? Get out of there!"
"I can't. The door is stuck"
"I'm calling the police"
"Wait, please don't leave me"
"I don't want you dying...I'll be there soon. I promise"
He hung up

Woof woof

Just then my white Pomeranian dog came running down the stairs
I sighed in relief and picked her up

She probably just stepped on the remote by accident

I made my way up the stairs and went to my room.
Nothing was out of place, minus the TV that was on

I got the remote that was on top of the TV and turned it off.

I then walked to the window and was about to shut the curtains when


How did Les turn the TV on if the remote was out of her reach?

Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof!
I heard Les barking in the hall

I began shaking

Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof!
She entered, still barking
My back was facing to whatever she was barking at

Karmagisa OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now