Accidental Kiss?

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"Hey Nagisa we're gonna plan a surprise attack on Korosenei, can you go wake Karma up so we can discuss?" Isogai asked as their other classmates gathered around his table to discuss the plan
"Sure" the bluenette replied and walked to the back of the classroom where Karma was at, his head down, sleeping peacefully
"Karma, Karma wake up" he shook the sleeping male
When he saw he wasn't getting any results he spoke louder
Getting frustrated he bent down infront of him and was ready to yell his name
He was cut off when Karma lifted his head and kissed him
Taken by suprise he pulled back and covered his lips with his hand, embarrassed
"Thanks Nagisa I'm awake" the red head grinned before standing up, walking past Nagisa who was frozen from shock and walking towards his classmates who hadn't noticed what happened

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