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Nagisa pov
I was driving back home after a long day of work when I got a call from Karma.
I put on my earpiece and answered
"Hey" I said
"Naggissaa! I'm bored!"
I smiled after hearing his voice
"I'm on my way" I told him
"Can't you hurry?"
"But dinners already ready" he whinned
"You go ahead and eat. I might take a while"
"But I want to eat with you"
I sighed
"Fine, I'll be there soon"
I chuckled
"Love you" I told him
"Love you too"
I hung up and continued driving

I was driving for 30 minutes when the light turned red
I stopped, but with time I felt my eyes getting heavier
I just wanted to close my eyes and go to sleep
It was a long day at work
Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever be as good as a teacher like Korosensei

The light turned green and I was taking the turn when I heard a honk
I turned my head, but was blinded by a bright light followed by darkness

Karma pov
I was in the living room watching TV while waiting for Nagisa to come
I was getting tired of waiting
'Should I call him again?'

Just as I was about to call Nagisa my phone started ringing
"Hello" I answered
"Karma! There's been an accident!"
"Kayano? What's wrong? What accident?"
"It's Nagisa!"
My eyes widened

I imidiently hung up and got in my car, driving to where Kayano told me she was

Once I got there I got out my car and was shocked at the scene in front of me.

Nagisa's car, crushed by a huge truck.
The truck was carrying some long pipes, the rest were scattered on the road
However one of the pipes had impaled it's way through Nagisa's car
I ran over and pushed all the people who tried to stop me

I got to Nagisa's car and my eyes widened
The pipe had stabbed it's way through the window into Nagisa's chest
His eyes were closed and blood was coming out of his mouth
"Sir, you have to move. We need to take him to the hospital"
I fell to my knees

'It's all my fault'
'If I hadn't told you to hurry home...'

Nagisa was taken to the hospital and I was waiting in the waiting room when
I then around and Kayano runs up to me, hugging me instantly


"It's all my fault..."
"Eh?" She looks at me in confusion
"I told him to hurry home. It's my fault he's here"
"No it's not! It wasn't your fault or Nagisa's fault! It was the other driver's fault! He was the one drunk driving!"
We sat in silence waiting to hear about Nagisa's condition

About 6 hours later a doctor came up to us and told us we could see him.
Kayano let me go first and told me she'd see him tomorrow

I slowly entered the room and was met with light breathing

I sat next to my boyfriend and held his hand
"I'm sorry"
"I love you"
"I'll wait for you. No matter how long I have to wait for you to wake up"

A/N: I don't know if I should leave it at that or make an epilogue about Nagisa waking up

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