Killer/Joker Nagisa

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3rd person pov
There in the empty room was a table in the center and a blue haired boy sitting infront of it, hands in handcuffs.
His hair was cut short and slicked back.
He wore a black turtle neck accompanied with a black leather jacket.

Despite him being in that position he was rather calm.
He sat quietly, waiting for the police to come in

After a few minutes the metal door opened and a familiar person stepped in.
It was a person he knew all too well.


His friend sat down infront of him, placing the papers he had in his hand on the table  and starred at him



Silence filled the room
The red head didn't know what to say.
After all those years looking for his lost lover...he was right infront of him.
However it wasn't the kind of reunion he was hoping for.
....Shiota Nagisa was a killer and he worked for the police

"Why?" Karma spoke up, he wanted to know what caused his best friend and lover to turn into a maniac
"Why!? Why'd you kill those people!?" He yelled
Nagisa grinned and leaned forward
"It's because I liked it"
"....what happened to you?" He asked in disbelief
"What do you mean?" Nagisa tilted his head to the side
"You go missing for 10 years and you come back killing people"
After hearing those words Nagisa stopped grinning and glared at Karma
"You want to know why....."
"Every single day I would go home only to find mom banging some random guy she found on the street! She'd yell out to me to do the dishes while she got f**cked! Not only that! Once they were done they'd start hitting me! Everyday it was someone new and everyday I got a new mark! I never got a break!"
"...That's why you killed her"
"Yeah, no one loved me, they all turned against me, so I figured why not kill them"
"Why didn't you tell me" he asked, shocked that during the time they went out he not once told him what he was going through
Karma only watched as Nagisa continued to laugh
"It's too late now! I can never go back!"
"The Nagisa you once knew is gone. But I'm here, and I will get out! When I do the world will be the craziest it's ever been! HAHAHAHAHA!"
Karma couldn't bare to watch Nagisa lose it, so he stood up and walked out, leaving Nagisa laughing to himself.

Once he was out he stood by the glass window, watching as Nagisa continued to laugh to himself
"I guess it is too late" he told himself

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