Vilian Nagisa - Epilogue

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Karma pov
"Nagisa?" I spoke out into the darkness
"Where are you?"
"I love you"
"Nagisa!" I began panicking and looking everywhere, but I was in complete darkness
"I shouldn't have died!"
I jumped when he appeared behind me out of nowhere
The state he was in shocked me!
There was a red hole on his white shirt, leaking large amounts of blood
"I shouldn't have died!" He yelled out, stretching his arms ready to choke me




"AAAHHH!" I yelled, waking up from my deep sleep
My whole body was shaking from fear.

Every night I have this exact nightmare, but I could never get used to it...Nagisa is gone...because of me.

I turned to check the clock on the table.
There was still 3 hours before the sun would rise, but I wasn't in the mood for sleeping so I just got out of bed and went to take a shower.

The minute I got out of the shower I walked up to my bed and began dressing in casual clothing. And as I was putting my coat over my jacket I noticed my phone light up.
I picked it up and saw a message from Korosenei.

Let's meets at the park
















It was still dark out as I was making my way to the park, but it was peaceful...

As I was getting closer I saw Korosenei already there, sitting on a bench with a suitcase by his side.

I walked up to him and stood infront of him without saying anything.
"How have you been Karma?" He asked looking up at me
"Are you still having nightmares?"
"Sit down"
Taking the offer I sat down next to him



We sat in silence for a couple of seconds until I spoke out
"I keep seeing him"
"Its not your fault he died Karma, so stop blaming yourself"
"....he took the shot for me"
"If I had known it would hurt this much to loose him I wish I never met him" I whispered, running my hands through my hair
"...dont cry because he's gone. Smile because he was here"
After hearing him say those words I turned to look at him in awe
"It also pains me to know that my precious students split up becasue of me"
"I lost my pupil twice because of me. He who always looked up to me and seeked for my approval"
"And Nagisa, one of my best students"
"...." I could only look down at the mention of his name
"It pains me knowing that I was the reason they are both gone"
"It's not your fault. It was our fault. We were the ones who left Nagisa instead of helping and supporting him" I spoke
"....It's a shame that their mistake was realized too late"
"....." I clenched my fist in anger
I was still furious at my old classmates.
The minute they saw that Korosenei was alive they realized they were the ones in the wrong and began apologizing to Nagisa's lifeless corpse.
But it didn't matter how many times they apologized, their apologies couldn't bring Nagsia back.

"But I'm glad you were the last person Nagsia saw."
After hearing his comment I snapped out of my thoughts
"Yeah, it must have been comforting for him to see you in his last moments" he smiled softly
"How's Rio doing?" He brought up
"She still feels guilty. She thought that the Reaper and Nagisa were going to experiment on you again like Shiro did"
"She was shocked when she saw you wake up. She realized that Nagisa was only trying  to do the right thing"

After talking for a while Korosenei stood up
"Where are you going to go?" I aske, knowing that he was leaving Japan
"Who knows, but Nagsia gave me a second chance in life, I tend to make the most of it"
"Will I see you again"
"Maybe" he picked up his suitcase as took a step forward before stopping
"I hope you find happiness" he said before continuing and walking off into the darkness.
I just looked up at the night sky
There was still 1 hour before sunrise
"Happiness...." I whispered

The sun had officially come out and I was making my way back home when I saw someone wearing a white hood sitting outside the door.
"Who are you?" I spoke firmly
"How mean"
My eyes widened at the familiar voice
"I though you said you wanted us to live together. Are you going back on your offer?" He stood up and removed his hood
Before I knew it I ran over and hugged him
"Is it really you?" I asked, tears filling up my eyes
"I missed you, Nagisa"

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