Prince Karma x Princess Nagisa

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Nagisa pov
"Princess! Princess where are you!" Guards yelled as they passed by me
I could only smile to myself because they couldn't recognize me.
Instead of my elegant blue and white kimono I wore clothing usually worn by the servants.
My hair that was usually in a high bun was let down reaching my shoulders.
My disguise was perfect, nobody knew who I was.
I would finally be able to leave the palace and see the outside world.

Once I managed to leave the palace I began taking a stroll around the market.
The smell of dumplings and fresh cooked rise filled the air.

Without thinking I took of the hood on my head and ended up buying small tokins and snacks.

As I was handing the coins to the shop owner to buy a keychain I heard a huge ruckus.
I turned around and saw a boy with red hair running away from a group of guards
"Come back here!" They all yelled
"...." I only frowned
'Did he steal something?'
I looked closer and noticed that he had nothing in his hands
'I should help him'
I ran over to where there was an empty ally and when I saw him about to pass I pulled him in.
"Where'd he go!?" They said before continuing to run forward



We stayed silent for a couple of minutes until we knew it was completely safe.
"Thanks" he said looking at me
"Yeah, but why were they chasing you?" I asked
His eyes widened
"You don't know who I am?"
"No, Have I met you before" I questioned tilting my head to the side
His lips curled up into a smile
"No, but I know you..."
He stepped closer to me and pulled my hair up
"Princess Nagisa"
My eyes widened
He knew who I was!?
I quickly pulled away from him
"How did you know!?"
"How could I not're the most adored princess of Japan"
"You must have really wanted to leave the palace if you're out here all alone"
"...I never had the chance to do anything I wanted.... just for today I wanted to experience what it would feel like to be free"
All of a sudden he grabbed my hand
"Then let's have the best day of our lives!"
"Lets go!" He said before dragging me away

Throughout the day the boy took me to places I've never seen before.
The temples, the streets, restaurants, even the lake.
But...the most beautiful place we went to was were all the flowers and Sakura trees were blooming.
"Doesn't the palace have flowers?" He asked
"No, we only have greenery, no flowers"

Once it got dark the man took me back to the palace
"Thank you for today"
"It was my pleasure your majesty" he bowed
I felt my lips curl into a smile
"May I ask what your name is?" I asked
"...there's no need for you to know my name"
"I'm sure we'll meet again very shortly" he said before leaving

As I was getting ready for bed my mother walked in
"How may I help you mother?"
"Prince Akabane will be coming tommorow"
"Prince Akabane? Why?"
She then handed me a letter
I took it and opened it, reading what it said

When I finished reading it I looked at my mother
"He wants to marry me?"
My mother only nodded
"But I've never met him! How could he possibly be interested in me?!"
Without saying anything she walked to the door before stopping and turning to look at me
"Just go with it, this opportunity could benefit our kingdom"


I went to sleep that night with the thought of marrying a total stranger....





My mind couldn't help but wonder off to the at boy I met earlier
I was unsure how to feel about him at first...but he was very kind....because of him I had the best day of my life

I went to sleep that night, with that mysterious boy in mind

The next day I woke up and went to take a stroll around the garden

The next day I woke up and went to take a stroll around the garden

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"I want to see the flowers again" I told myself


As I was seated on the small bridge I heard someone call me
"There you are princess. It's time to get you ready" one of my servants said
I nodded and she lead me to my room, helping me get dressed in a fancy red and pink kimono

Once I was dressed she brushed my hair and left it down without styling it any further.
I could only stare at my reflection in the mirror infront of me.
I sighed and stood up, grabbing my fan and walking to the main room.

When I got there I saw a familiar person
My eyes widened when I saw him
He only smiled and walked up to me, grabbing my hand and placing a kiss
"It's nice to see you again, princess"
I could only stand in shock

He then turned to face my mother
"As it said in my letter I would like to marry your daughter...but I would like to ask you again in person..."
He stood next to me and put his arm around my waist
"I wish to marry the princess"
"...I give you my blessing" she smiled

Once we were finally alone we sat down near the garden
"So you were a prince this whole time"
"Yep" he smiled
"Karma is fine" he said
"...the reason you were running away when I first met you was because-"
"Because I wanted the same thing you did....freedom, and because of you I was able to have it"
"Is that why you want to marry me?" I asked
"That and because I knew we were made for each other"
I smiled
"You sure have a way with words"
"Only for you" he said, holding my hand
"Before we get married...."
"What is it?" He asked
"Lets get to know each other more"
He smirked
"I'm fine with that...I'll wait all eternity for you"
I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder

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