Overnight (Nagisa)

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It was the start of our summer break so earlier I had asked Karma if he wanted to hang out over at my house and watch the new Sonic Ninja movie I bought.
But I didn't have high hopes at first since I knew he usually hangs by the convenience store, waiting for delinquents.
Especially since he says summer is the time they start appearing more often.
So when he agreed I was taken by surprise, I thought for sure he would decline my offer





By the time we got to my house we chose to re-read all the comics so we could catch any references in the movie.
But by the time we finished reading it was past midnight
"It's gotten pretty late, maybe we should watch it tomorrow" I looked over at Karma
"It's fine, I'll just stay over" he replied as he put away all the comic books on the bookshelf
"Yeah, besides it's always better watching at night"


When the movie started playing I went to turn the lights off and went to my bed.
But I noticed that Karma was still sitting on the floor
"Want to sit on my bed?" I offered, worried that he wouldn't enjoy the movie if he were uncomfortable
"I don't think you'll be safe with me on it" he turned his head, a smirk on his face
"......" he was silent for a couple of seconds before turning back around and leaning against my bed
"Anyway I get a much better view here"
"...ok?" I replied with hesitation before turning my attention back to the movie



Once half way through the movie I looked over at Karma but instead saw him with his head hung low and eyes shut.....he was asleep.
Seeing him so vulnerable was suprising. After all he rarely let his guard down.
I slowly started reaching my hand out to touch him, but stopped and instead got off my bed and headed towards the closet, taking out a blanket and pillow and going towards my sleeping friend, gently placing the blanket over him.
But the minute it touched his body he grabbed my wrist, still asleep, and pulled me forward.
Reacting quicly I stopped myself from falling on top of him by gripping my bed with my free hand
"*sigh*" I sighed in relief seeing that he hadn't woken up, but I soon realized how close our faces were to each other.
'What do I do? He still has a grip on my hand. If I move he'll wake up'
Taking a deep breath in I slowly start to adjust my position, trying my best not to wake him up.
But as I was releasing my wrist from his grip Karma opened his eyes.
"What are you doing?"
"Huh? Sorry did I wake you-!"
Before I could finish my sentence his  hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me down
I blushed in embarrassment, realizing I was now sitting on his lap
"Isnt this nice Na~gi~sa" he teased
"L-let me go!"

Not wanting to be in this position any longer I tried pulling away, but this only caused him to tighten his grip around me
"I already told you..." he spoke, inching his face closer to mine
"No" he finished, smaking our lips together

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