Reader x Jeongyeon - The Old Self

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You were currently sleeping in your bed. It was around midnight. You were having a wonderful dream when...


Your phone was vibrating on your bedside table. Your eyes fluttered open and closed. You were groggy as you reached out your hand to grab your phone. You just answered without even looking at the ID.

"Hello..." You said tiredly.

"(YN)?" You sat up.


"I need you to come and bail me out."

"Bail you...wait...are in jail?!"

"Well at a local police department, you know the one three streets from the mall."

"What are you- you know what, never mind. I'm coming down." You hanged up.

"Damn it." You said and you got ready silently to prevent your parents from waking. You started your car and drove off quick.


It was a silent drive, she was in front passenger seat with you driving. Luckily they let her go with a warning since the charge was minor enough that she needed someone to get her only.


You were taking care of her. She wasn't living with you or anything. Her parents were...well weren't always around. Her mom died when she was young and her dad has multiple jobs he takes to take care of him and her.

So you stepped up to take care of her. You were best friend since elementary. One day you saw her alone and asked her if you wanted to play with the ball you had. She nodded and you both became instant friends.

Then, she changed when she got into high school. The first couple of years were ok, but then summer happened.

She started to hang out more with this...crew, she said that she had a friend there that she knew. The group was led by some delinquent named Chanyeol, a bully if there ever was one. They also came here as well. Their old school was being torn down and they came here as one group. 

It was currently the middle of their junior year. And things were...different for her. She barely talks to you and hangs out more with them.

She was changing from a nice girl to well...this. She was the complete opposite of the Jeongyeon you knew.

You still helped her out as much as you could. Homework, taking her to school and back, fixing her lunch.

Even if she didn't talk to you as much. You couldn't leave her alone.

You love her too much to do so.

You were her best friend. You hated that she was acting like this. You never would have thought that the girl you knew back would change.


"What happened?" You said without taking your eyes of the road.

"Got in trouble." She said sarcastically.

"You know what I mean." You said, your tone hardened.

"The gang and I thought it would be fun to do some...late night activities...guess the cops didn't like it that much."

"What activities?"

"Does it matter."

"Of course it does!" You yelled, eyes still on road. She looked at you like nothing happened.

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