Chapter Seven

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"What the hell are these" Summer says. I see my razors in her hand.

"I was shaving and I cut my leg on accident" I lied. Technically I wasn't lying. They are from my razors and I cut my leg.

"Aspen you know damn well that's a lie!" Summer was red faced and angry. She rarely yells. I keep crying. I hear footsteps. I look up and see Michael and Luke with frowns on their faces.

"Summer calm down you're scaring her" Luke says. Summer lets out a shaky breath.

"I-I-I'm sorry" Summer said. I just look down and sigh.

"Are there anymore?" Yes.

"No" I say.

"O-okay" Summer says. Her MIchael, and Luke leave.

I sigh and sit on my bed and pull out my song book. Honestly, song writing is the only thing that relieves stress, besides cutting.

"When we both fall asleep underneath the same sky to the beat of our hearts at the same time so close but so far away (can you hear me)"

After about 7 hours of working on my song, I ran downstairs to grab some yoghurt. I pass the living room to see everyone watching music videos I hear the tune of Rock Of Ages by Def Leppard. I walk out and sit next to Ashton and Calum.

We were all enjoying the moment but Ava's laptop died in the middle of I Wanna Rock by Twisted Sister, so we decided to watch TV. During our 5th episode of NCIS LA and I fell asleep with everyone else.


The next morning, I wake up to the smell of eggs and bacon. I walk out to the kitchen and make some toast and put Nutella on it. I eat my toast then run upstairs and get ready for the day. I throw on my Volbeat shirt and some red shorts. I throw all my bracelets on. It may look bad that they go up to my elbow but who gives a fuck. I walk into my bathroom and put on some eyeliner and mascara. I straighten my hair, then I brush it out. I brush my teeth, then leave the bathroom.

I grab my phone and walk downstairs. I lay across Michael, Luke, and Summer. I type in my passcode and open up snapchat to see I have a bunch from my best friend Jack. After looking at all of his snapchats and snapchatting him back, I decide to talk to everyone.

"So..... What's on the agenda for today?" I ask.

"Well Calum and I are going to go to the mall you wanna come Aspen?" Ashton says. I nod my head smiling.

I run upstairs and grab my money and my car keys and run back downstairs. The three of us walk out of the house and to my car.

"I thought this would be your dad's or something but it's not this is so badass" Ashton says. I smile and cliimb into the driver seat.

I pull out of the driveway and head to the mall. We arrive there in about 15 minutes. We climb out of the car and walk into the mall. We all walk into Hot Topic and start looking around. When I see Chris sitting at the cash register and I run up there. I smile when he looks up and sees me.

"I need help" I whine giggling. He walks out from behind the counter.

"Too bad my shifts over" He says winking.

He walks with me to look at the shirts and I grab a Captain America shirt and a Supernatural shirt. I walk over to the necklaces and grab All Time Low, Bring Me The Horizon, and Paramore ones. I walk over and grab a Fiona hat and a Supernatural poster. I grab a marvel wallet, a pair of marvel boxers to sleep in, and a pair of marvel underwear. I walk back up to the cash register, where Chris was talking with the girl working now. I pay and walk out with Chris, Calum, and Ashton.

After walking around the mall some more we decide to leave and go to the small music shop downtown. We all get in the car and leave the mall. After 5 minutes I pull up against the curb outside the small shop. We all walk in and I spot Michael and Alex, they guy that helped me last time I was here.

I walk over to the vinyls and my eyes land on a Kiss vinyl. I stroll over to it and look at it. I felt a presence behind me so I turn around and see Michael. I turn back around and walk over to the Bruce Springsteen vinyl and pick it up aswell. I start grabbing all of my favorite artists from the 70/80 time frame. There was a section labeled Glam Metal. I speed walk over there where I spot a bunch of my favorite bands. I grab ones I want and walk up to the register.

"$2,000.46 please" Alex says smirking. I hand him my card and he swipes it and gives it to me. I ask him when his shift is over.

"Ah, 20 minutes why?" Alex says

"Well since Ash, Cal, and Chris decided to leave for food, I have no one to hang out with" I said shrugging. He nods saying we can hang out when his shift's over.

After 20 minutes Alex's shift is over. In the 20 minutes I waited for him I filled out an application to work there and just talked about music. Alex walks over to me from the back room and smiles at me.

"My uncle said you can work shifts with me starting in a week" He says with a small smile. I nod smiling and thanking him for getting me the job.

We walk out to my car and I set my vinyls in the back then climb into the front seat. We decide on just going back to my house. When we get there my parents car is in the driveway. I climb out and walk up to the door with Alex.

"I'm home" I shout. My parents walk out and freeze when they see me.

"Aspen what did you do" My mom says looking at me drisgusted.

"I just got some piercings and died my hair..?" I said confused. They've let Ava dye her hair and get a bellybutton piercing.

"You didn't ask!" My mom says.

"I do what I want I'm punk rock" I say quoting Michael. I grab Alex's arm and drag him upstairs.

When I get into my room I set my box of vinyls on my dresser. I flop on my bed when I hear a groan erupt from underneath my duvet. I look up at Alex then pull in off to see Chris cuddled up with Christina the Unicorn. Alex and I look at eachother before letting out 'aw's. We take pictures then wake Chris up.

Chris sits up letting out a small groan. He rubs his eyes then looks up. When he sees Alex he smiles shyly and waves. Alex and I lay down with Chris and we all talk. Alex soon falls asleep followed by Chris. A little bit later I fall intp a dreamless sleep.


I have taco bell

i hope you liked the update

michael is love michael is life


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