Chapter Fourty-One

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That is simply all I feel.


I lost Luke.

I might lose Aspen.

I'm stuck in a life changing situation.

There is too much pain to feel.. so I'm numb.

I step into the hospital, approaching the front desk.

"I'd like to see Aspen Watson." I say nicely. The woman types a few things into her computer before looking up and giving me the room number.

I get to the elevator and press the up button, then wait quietly.

When it opens, I get inside and press the right room number.

I have about a minute to shield myself for what happens next.

I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths.

I'm ready.

I can do this.

I'm ready.

The elevator dings and I slowly open my eyes. I take one last breath before stepping out.

I look to the waiting room to my right, and-

My insides concave.

I so wasn't ready for this.

I'm about to turn around when I realize Tierney has noticed I'm here. She moves from her cuddled position with Ashton and comes forward. She opens her arms for a hug, and I crash into her, sobbing.

I can feel his gaze on me.

I try to ignore it, the feeling, burying my face farther into Tierney's shoulder.

I can't help but peek. I glance up.

It's the first time I've seen him since I lost him. I can see a heartbreaking look in his eyes that he's trying to hide.

I let go of Tierney and turn away, facing a chair. I sit down and awkwardly smooth down my pants.

I look over to see Ava cradled in Calum's arms, and I mentally sigh. Those two are adorable.

I stare at the door that she's right behind. Please let her be okay. Please let her be okay.

I feel someone sit beside me, and I pray it's one of my sisters, or Michael.

"Is that my sweatshirt?" Luke asks quietly.


I glance down, and my cheeks tint red.

"Yes." I answer.

"You're still wearing it?" He sounds hopeful.

It breaks me to do this, but I will.

"But you can have it back." I pull it off and set it in his lap. I stand up and begin pacing in front of the door.

Suddenly, it flies open, giving me a heart attack.

A lady doctor appears from behind the door, and she looks over all of us.

"Aspen's family?" She questions.

"Yes." Ava, Tierney, and I answer simultaneously.

"We think she'll be okay."

Tears spring to our eyes as we sigh in relief.

"You may visit her if you like. But only family." She glances uneasily at the boys. I can see Michael's heart break in his eyes. I send him a reassuring look, then gently push inside.

She lays in a mass of white, her hair tangled above her head. Her eyes are barely open, and she stares at the TV. Her skin is ghostly pail.

I don't care how much she hates me, I run forward to the chair beside her and take her hand.

"Girls?" She asks very quietly. We all nod and smile through our tears, and she smiles ever so faintly.

"How are you feeling?" Ava speaks.

"Broken." Aspen half jokes.

"Michael is outside." Tierney breaths, like she's been waiting to say so for a long time.

"Summer, is that you?" She barely squeezes my hand.


"How long have I been out?"

"Most of the day."

I hear the door open quietly, but I choose to ignore it, wanting to know what she has to say to me.

"H-have you told Luke yet?" She stutters. I'm about to answer when I hear a voice behind me.

I completely freeze.

"Told me what?"


Oooh, drama!

Do people actually read this, or is it just me and Emily?

I have no idea

Yes, I just answered my own question.

And yours.

So yeahhh

Lots of love,

And may the force be with you,

Kat <3


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