Chapter Fourty-Eight

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I drive down the busy streets of Sydeny, and speed towards the airport. I soon arrive, and hurridly get out of my car and grab my stuff. I slam my trunk shut, and rush into the airport. I run through the doors, and bump into someone. I look up to see a boy standing there with his hand held out. I take it, and apologize.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry! I am in such a hurry I wasn't paying attention" I rambled, and we walked towards security.

"It's fine. I'm Jack" He replied, smiling.

"Aspen" I grin.

I get through security, and walk towards gate 7. I sit down in one of the seats, and pull out my phone. I see somebody sit by me, and I look over.

"Hey there stranger" Jack chuckles.

"Howdy" I giggle, and lock my phone. Jack and I talk until our flight is called, and we say goodbye.

I walk on the plane, and head towards my seat. I sit in it, and I notice I'm stuck by Andrew Lowe.

"Hi" I say, gaining his attention. His head shoots up, and he grins. Oh my god.

"Hi" He replies, waving.

"Are you Aspen Watson? Like the Aspen Watson?" He ask eyes slightly wide.

"Yeah. Are you Andrew Lowe?" I reply, smirking.

"Yes, yes I am" He chuckles.

"So what are you going to Cali for?" I ask, tilting my head to the side.

"Staying with O2L" He nods. My eyes widen, and I feel my heartrate quicken.

"Don't tell anyone in Cali you had contact with me" I speak, flustered.

"Sure. What are you doing in Cali?" He asks.

"Leaving Aus I really don't want to be there anymore" I sigh, looking down.

"So, running away?" He asks, tilting his head to the side. I nod, fiddling with my fingers.

Andrew and I talk abit more, before deciding to take a nap. I was waken up by people shaking me. I open my eyes to see Jack and Andrew. I sit up, yawning.

"We've landed sleepyhead" Jack says, grinning. I nod standing up.

We walked to luggage claim, and grab our stuff. We head out of the airport, then I realize I don't have anywhere to stay.

"Wanna come to the O2L house?" Jack asks. I nod.

I hail us a taxi, and we climb in. Andrew tells the taxi driver the address. The man speeds off, and through the busy streets in L.A., only getting stuck in traffic for a few minutes. We arrive at the house about 15 minutes later, and clamber out of the car. We grab our stuff and walk up to the door. Jack knocks, and the door swings open to reveal Sam.

"Hey gu- Aspen? Your sister called crying because you were nowhere to be found ( a/n neither was eddy) she was crying!" Sam exclaims. I look down, and I feel arms wrap around me. I hug back, but let go right away. We all walk into the house, and into the living room.

"Guys!" Sam yells, causing there to be loud foot steps. The rest of O2L - excluding Connor- bolted into the room. Their eyes landed on me, and they ask me what I was doing here. I told them, and they understood.

We all watched movies, and ate pizza that night. I fell asleep sometime during the 5th movie, next to Jc.



Long time no see amirite?

I would like to apologize for how late this chapter is. I am sososososososososososo sorry. I just was wayyyyy too busy. I really am truly sorry. I will (hopefully) be updating more often.

I love you all. Sorry again about the wait.


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