Chapter Fourty-Nine

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Connor's POV

I finish texting my best friend, sadly telling her that I can't visit her after all, then I move to the door to grab my hoodie.

I take it from the coat wrack and stuff my phone in the pocket. I'm about to disappear out the front door when I feel something small pressing on my ankle.

"I'll be back later, Taco." I mumble to the cute little tortoiseshell kitten staring up at me with round, amber eyes.

Yes, I finally bought myself a cat. But I haven't told my fans yet.

I watch her curl up into a ball, then step outside, starting my short trek to the house belonging to my friends.

I kick away a few rocks on the sidewalk, and stop for a few selfies with girls who managed to spot me, before I finally make it.

Because they told me I'm always welcome, I quietly let myself into the house. I hear the sound of the TV and step in the right direction.

"Did you guys know that Summer Watson was pre-oh." I stop short, noticing that not only my 5 friend's eyes were peering at me, but also Aspen's, whose eyes were almost identical to Sum's.

"Connor?" She asks, giving me a weird look. I scratch the back of my head.

"Wait- is Summer here?" She freezes and her cheeks tint a little red.

"You ran away again, didn't you." I sigh, rubbing my forehead.

"M-maybe.." She answers feebly.

"Aspen, you know how much she'll worry about you.... and if she really is having a baby, it's not good for her to worry like that." I sit down beside her.

"I hate that everything has to be about her." She mutters.

"You know you and Luke are everything to her." I comfortingly rub her shoulder. She shrugs.

"I might go back. But right now, I just want to be with you guys." She relents, lying down on my shoulder. It doesn't take long for her breathing to slow.


Summer's POV

"It's okay, Summer. It'd be better for the both of you if you calmed down." Luke says soothingly, while I cry my eyes out.

"But she left again! What am I doing wrong?" I yell through the phone receiver. Luke sighs.

"It isn't your fault, Sum. I just don't think she likes it in Aussie." He lets out, half jokingly.

"Has she found her yet?" I can hear Michael's worried voice in the background.

"No, Michael." I answer loudly. I can hear some muffled voices, before Luke finally speaks to me clearly again.

"I have to go." He says sadly.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Then the line goes dead. I throw my phone across the room, annoyed.

Why did she leave again? And why did it have to be at the same time I'm losing Luke?

I stare at my foot. What the heck am I gonna do?

I get up and open the fridge, about to get some ice cream, when my phone rings again.

"Noooooo." I groan. I jump away from the fridge and reach for it. I look at the caller I.d. and my heart stops for a second.

"Aspen?" I question excitedly, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Hey Sum." She responds, definitely not matching my excitement.

"Where the heck are you? I'm worried sick! Luke left a while ago and I couldn't find you, and-"

"I'm in Cali."

"What?!" I choke. She giggles a little bit.

"I went to California."


"Because I'm sick of Australia."

"But Michael is here."

"Not right now he isn't." She points out. I plop down on the couch.

"So?" I sigh, defeated. There's a pause.

"Maybe you could..... Move back to Cali." She suggests.

"Really?" I ask seriously.

"Yeah. If you sold the house we'd have plenty of money to buy a house out here. Or just get out old one back.

"........ Okay." I decide.



"Eeeeeeeek!" She squeals, making me laugh.

"Maybe give me and the girls a week? We'll be right out there." I smile.

"Okay, sounds awesome!"

"Wow, we're really doing this."


"I need to tell Luke." I seem to finally remember my blonde idiot.

"Ooooh, yeah. Would you mind telling all of them for me?"



"But Michael's your boyfriend and he's worried about you."

"Fine." She huffs.

"Well, I'd better tell everyone what's happening." I finish.


"Bye, miss you."

"You too."



I'm back guys:)

Lots of love and may the force be with you,



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