Chapter Fifteen

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I sat on my bathroom floor crying. I continue to cut into my thigh. I have been sitting here for 15 minutes. I feel like I'm responsible for what happened. After abour 10 more minutes, I decide to stop. I clean my cuts and put the first aid kit away. I clean up the blood on my bathroom floor and walk into my room. I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling.

After laying and doing nothing I decide to go check up on Summer. I stand up and throw a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie on. I slip on my VANs and grab my phone and ciggarettes. I decide to walk to the hospital. I walk downstairs, and grab a Pepsi out of the fridge (A/N I feel like Pepsi is so underused in fanfics) and walk out of the house. I walk down my street but notice a familiar figure running around their yard kicking a soccer ball. The ball comes flying at me so I catch it, dropping my pop in the process. Michael jogs over to me, and I hand the ball to him. I pick up my pop bottle and was about to walk away when he speaks up.

"Are you visiting Summer today?" He asks looking up. I nod.

"I'm walking to the hospital now" I sigh.

"Can I come with?" He asks looking hopeful. I nod and start walking. I pull out my pack of ciggarettes. I light one and continue walking.

"Okay, uh what's your favorite band?" Michael asks.

"Well either Green Day, All Time Low, Kiss, Loverboy or Def Leppard. Hm what's your favorite song?" I ask him.

"Somewhere In Neverland by All Time Low" He says happily. Opening the door to the hospital.

"Hi, we're here for Summer Watson" I say to the lady behind the desk. She smacks her gum obnoxiously loud.

"Room *smack smack* 8 *smack* 33 *smack* floor *smack* 8" She says smacking inbetween each word.

Michael and I walk over to the elevators in silence and step in. We ride up to floor 8 quietly with the elevator playing classical music in the background. Once we get to floor 8 I step out walking down the halls looking at the numbers by the door. As soon as I see 833 I slowly and quietly poke my head into the room. I see Summer sitting there flipping through the TV channels. Her head shoots up when the door open.

"H-hey Summer" I say stuttering quietly. I sit in a seat by her bed and observe her. Her long ombred hair is down and she looks wide awake.

"Why are you here?" She asks me frowning.

I hear the door open again and I see Michael walk in with 2 waters and my pack of ciggarettes. He hands me a water and the pack of ciggarettes mumbling that I dropped them. He sits across from me on the other side of Summer's bed, grabbing her hand.

I have been trying to get her attention, but every time I do she starts a new topic with Michael. I frown standing up with tears blurring my vision. I must've standed up quickly, because my chair felll backwards. I quietly turn around and pick up the chair. As I'm picking it up a tear slips out. I turn around, making eye contact with Summer before leaving the room.

I continue walking down the long corridor then see the rest of my family, and the boys walking out of the elevator. Ashton must've seen me because he points me out to the rest of my family. I make eye contact with Ava and continue walking. I step into the elevator, as the doors start to close someone is running and yelling hold them, so I did. About 10 seconds later a boy about my age walks in. He has brown fluffy hair and looks like he's 6 ft. Once he looks at me I smile at him, wiping away my tears.

"Thanks for catching the doors! I'm Justin" The boy exclaims. I notice he has an American accent.

"No problem. I'm Aspen" I reply smiling.

"You sound American" He says then facepalms. I chuckle.

"Yeah moved hear from LA about a month ago" I say shrugging.

"Ah, I'm from Miami, I'm visiting my cousin" He says smiling.

The elevator dings and the doors open we walk out and I ask him if he wants to hang out sometime. He says yes, and we exchange numbers. On the way we text and talk about our lives, intrests and hobbies. When I turn onto my street, I notice that Alex's car is in the driveway. I jog to my house and walk up my doorstep to Alex.

"Hey, I was bored" Alex says making me chuckle. I unlock my door and let him into my house. I walk to my kitchen and ask Alex if he wants something to eat. He says yes so I pull out Mac N Cheese.

I pull a pot out from the cabinet and put water in it, setting it on the stove. I sit on the stool next to Alex and we start talking about random things. I tell him Summer is in the hospital, and what went down when I visited. After talking about that I got up and see that the water is boiling. I dump the macaroni in and sit back down. I pull out my phone and open up Fall Out Bird. After 5 minutes I turn the macaroni off and grab the butter and milk. After putting everything in and mixing it up. I divide it into two bowls and bring it over to the counter.

I sit on my barstool, opening up instagram, and decide to take a picture of Alex. I go to snap a picture of him drinking water when he misses his mouth and it goes down the front of him. I burst into a fit of laughter, taking a video of him screaming about how cold it is. I post it then call Mason, asking him if Alex could borrow a shirt. He says yes so I lead Alex up to my room grabbing one of Mason's shirts in the process. I throw Alex's shirt in the dryer and then we go finish our dinner. Once we finished, Alex was tp tierd to drive so I let him crash here. Alex and I fell asleep on my bed while watching Titanic.


Hi, it's  emily. I hope you enjoyed the update.

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