Chapter Twenty

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"Michael." I call through the door.

"Leave me alone." He answers.

"Michael." I say again.

"I said, leave me alone!" He yells. My heart sinks, and tears fall from my eyes. I lost my adorable Michael because of dumb-ass Luke.

Why did I kiss back? Why? I'm so stupid. I lost one of the only people who still cared for me, all because of one stupid kiss.

Well, now my other two sisters are mad at me for it as well.

It seems that I only have one person left, other than my parents. But he's 7,500 miles away.

I finally decide to leave, running up the stairs and into my bedroom. I notice that Ariana had left during my meltdown.

Bloom lays on my bed as if she'd been playing, and stares at me.

My photo wall catches my eye.

"Connor." I sigh. I look at our happy smiles.

I know what I need to do.

I pull a small duffel bag out of my closet. I pack as many clothes as I can fit, plus a few things I'll need.

I dig under a pile of clothes and open a secret compartment. I take out a small tin container, and open it to make sure everything is inside.

$2000 of wadded up American dollars. I close the container again, and stuff it in my bag.

I sneak into my parent's bedroom, and take enough Australian dollars for a plane ticket. I'm sorry I'm taking money from them, but I'm sure they won't miss it.

I return to my room and pick up my bag.

Bloom looks at me guiltily, as if she knows exactly what I'm doing.

I take a piece of paper and write down a quick note for everyone. It only has three words.

I'm sorry.


I tuck the note into Bloom's collar.

"Goodbye." I whisper.

I take my things and close my bedroom door. I walk down the stairs slowly. I go into the kitchen and take the jar of Nutella, faintly smirking.

I pass the TV room. Everyone is there, but they don't notice me.

Very quickly, I study faces. Tierney. Ava. Aspen. Ashton. Calum. Michael. Luke.

I shake my head and turn away. I knew they wouldn't care too much.

I hurry out the front door, and shut it quietly.

I climb on my bike, and I'm off to the airport.


I pull my earbuds out as the plane lands.

The lady announces my row, and I get up to leave.

I enter the airport and grab my bag, then walk outside.

I breath in the California air,and grin. Los Angeles, I'm home.

I hail a cab and get inside. I hand the man the address to the hotel I'll be in temporarily.

When we get there, I go inside.

"I'd like a room, please." I tell the nice lady at the desk. She smiles and types in a few things, the scans a plastic card and hands it to me.

"Here's your room key, you'll be on the 5th floor in room 532."

"Thank you." I drag my things into the elevator. Inside is a boy with a fringe, and right away I think of Michael.

It broke my heart when he cried because of me.

And Luke.

I should have every single reason to hate that boy, but for some odd reason, I don't. Just the mention of his name brings warmth to my stomach.

I walk to my room, unlock it, and drop my things. I lay down on the bed for a second, just thinking.

Finally, I get up. I grab my phone and some cash, then I leave my room.

I hail a cab again, this time giving him a different address.

He takes me there in only a few minutes. I take a deep breath, then step outside.

I walk up to the door and knock. There's a long pause. Finally, I can hear someone muttering something about fans, then the door opens.

Kian Lawley stares at me. Right when I begin to think he doesn't recognize me, he speaks.

"Hi Summer. I thought you moved."

"I did, but now I'm back."

"Ah." He twists around. "Connor, there's someone here for you!" He yells. He says goodbye, then disappears. Another pause. Then, from the stairs, comes my best friend.



Hi everyone!

Vote, comment, fan!

Lots of love,

Kat xxxxxxxx


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