Chapter Fourty-Three

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"H-have you told Luke yet?" She stutters. I'm about to answer when I hear a voice behind me.

I completely freeze.

"Told me what?"

I turn around to face Luke, who stares at me questioningly. I bite my lip.

Think fast, Summer, think fast!

An idea pops into my head.

"I, uhm, they wanted me to let you know that I'm with someone else." I breath, waiting for his reaction. Hurt flashes in his eyes, but he hides it quickly with an indifferent look.

"O-kay." He says slowly, before turning around and disappearing through the door.

That was the last time I saw him.

~End of Flashback~

It's two months later.

As soon as the hospital discharged her, Aspen left.

Don't get me wrong. We're completely worried sick about her. But, we know that if she didn't come back, she probably doesn't want to be around us.. so we don't really look.

Michael's taken it a whole lot harder, though. She's all he thinks of, and he won't understand what we've told him. He wants to find her badly, and he's worried she's lonely.

He almost skipped his once in a lifetime opportunity because of it... his chance to tour the world as a band with his best friends and One Direction.

But, us being as caring as we are, we forced him to go, promising that Aspen would want him to go, that she was okay, and she'd be waiting with us when he comes back.

That was a month ago.... I'm not convinced the promise will really be kept.

I'm at 5 months now. My belly is practically impossible to hide any longer, but it also brings me so much joy.

Especially when I think of the people I miss.

Deciding I'm hungry, I trot down the stairs in my house, wearing only a tie-dye t-shirt and yoga pants.

"Hey sis." Tierney smiles as I pass by. I return her smile and enter the kitchen.

I stand on my tip toes and take the Nutella out of the cupboard. I open the fridge and grab a banana. Next, I take the peel away and slice open the banana vertically. I spread amazing Nutella out over the insides and close the banana again. I hold up the treat and slowly take a bite, shutting my eyes in happiness.

Suddenly, the house phone rings. Surprised, I squeal and drop my snack.

"Shit." I curse, trying to lean down and pick it up. Of course, my belly once again prevents me, and I sigh.

I grab the irritating phone and press the answer button.

"Hello?" I breath, annoyed.

"Hi, I'd like to speak to Summer." A familiar voice answers politely.

"Michael, this is Summer, dumbass." I smirk.

"Oh." Is all he says, making me giggle.

"So, what're you calling for?"

"I found Aspen." He says seriously. I drop the phone.

"Shit." I groan again. Knowing I can't lean over to pick it up from recent events, I casually plop down on the floor. My fingers wrap around the phone and I press it to my ear.

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