Chapter Twelve

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"I can't sleep knowing he's in my house." I groan, talking about Mason. We're basically mortal enemies. Connor makes a noise in response. I can tell he wants to go to sleep, but he hasn't said anything yet so I keep talking.

"Can we sleep now?" He finally asks. I agree, and wait until I can hear his gentle snores before I get up.

I approach the stairs, and when I pass Aspen's floor, I hear voices. Curious, I step close to listen in.

"She hates me. It tears me apart to know that." Luke.

He sounds completely heartbroken, and my heart aches for a second.

"I don't know what to tell you." Aspen responds. I have no idea who they are talking about, but it's obvious how Luke feels about her. It's probably just the girl from the ice cream shop.... or maybe even my backstabbing twin sister. I wouldn't put it past her any more.

I shake my head, climbing the rest of the way downstairs.

I go into the kitchen and open the fridge, grabbing a bottle of Coke. I sit down at the table and take a few sips.

My cat rubs herself against my leg, purring. I scratch her behind the ears and get up again.

I go into my room and open twitter. I have lots of followers just because of my sister. I gasp when I see some of the mentions, though.



I breath out fast, seething.

The freaking fans think I'm the reason she claims to cut, that I'm the reason she's depressed.

Well, last time I checked, she's the one who betrayed me.

But I can't help but choke for a second, knowing I might be losing someone I used to be closer than anyone to.

It hurts.


I wake up the next morning to a jabbing feeling. I roll over to see Connor poking me.

"Do you wanna do something to get your mind off of things?" He suggests.

"Sure." I shrug, speaking in my morning voice. He rubs my shoulder and exits the room so I can change.

I put on a black shirt and dark red jean shorts. I straighten my hair and fix in a gray beanie. I put on just mascara and lip gloss. I finish with my pair of white converse.

I skip down the steps, ready to meet Connor, when I become face to face with him.

"Watch out." I glare, pushing Mason's shoulder. He scoffs and walks away, and I roll my eyes.

"Wanna check out the cats at the shelter?" Con asks excitedly. I grin and nod.

We go out and get inside my silver mustang. I do have a car, I just barely ever ride in it.

I open all of the windows and turn the radio up. Me and Con scream along to some of the songs, before I pull into the parking lot of the shelter.

My best friend and I walk right in.

"How may I help you?" A nice girl in an apron questions. Her hair is blonde with light blue tips and shoulder length. She's really pretty.

"Where are the cats?" I smile.

"That way." She points, smiling at Con. Either she's a fan, or it may be matching making time.

The two of us skip into the room. The adorable little animals stare at us, almost looking sad. We try to pet each one, the fluffiest, the biggest, the cutest.

"Awh!" I squeal when I spot the tiniest kitten. Her eyes are barely open, and she lets out a small mew.

I pick her up. She begins to purr. Her little paw is barely the size of my finger tip, and I can cup her in one hand. She's fluffy, with white toes, brown legs, nose, and ears, and finally, bright blue eyes that remind me so much of someone I know.

She's perfect.

"I know we didn't come to adopt, but this kitten needs me." I whine to Con. She purrs and rubs her head on my thumb. He shrugs.

The blonde girl opens the door and sees me holding the little kitty.

"Hey, umm-"

"Ariana." She introduces.

"Ariana... can you tell my about her?" I hold up my hand. Ariana beams.

"She just came in a few days ago. She's the sweetest little thing, she's a ragdoll cat." She informs.

"When will she be old enough to adopt?"

"She's already old enough. She was actually born a runt, and her mother abandoned her." She says sadly. I frown, my heart breaking for the sweet animal.

"We'll take her." Connor decides, smiling some-what flirtatiously at Ariana.

The girl leads us to the front, having me fill out papers. I pay her the right amount, and then the kitten is returned to me.

"What are you gonna name her?" Ariana asks, leaning on her palms.

"How about..." I stare at the cat's innocent face. "Bloom." I smile.

Then I think of the whole match making thing and hand Ari my number so she can text me.

I walk out of the shelter, cupping Bloom in my hand.

The little kitten is already a miracle worker. I haven't even thought of my problems all day.


I stare at cute little Bloom as she plays with the bell on Kip's collar.

I play my guitar, thinking of a new tune I haven't heard before. I might actually write a song..

I decide I'm hungry, so I pick up the tiny fur-ball and place her on my shoulder.

I step down the stairs carefully and reach the last floor.

I enter the kitchen, grab some food, and walk out, passing the TV room.

My sisters are sprawled out in various places. Ava lays on Calum's stomach, giggling about something. Tierney sketches the back of Ashton's head as he jokes around with Michael. And, Aspen sits between Luke and Mason, whispering about something. Music plays softly in the background.

When they hear me, they look up, and Aspen turns around.

"I see you've bought yourself a new scrap." She scoffs, before anyone can say anything.

"I see you've bought yourself some new boy toys." I fire back, smirking. We both glare at each other for a couple of seconds. Bloom hisses.

"Jealous much?" She looks smug. I can feel Luke's gaze on me.

"Not in a million years."


"You know what? I'll just leave you guys to go play with each other in your bedroom." I spit out, before spinning on my heel and stomping up the steps. Bloom mews.

I can't help but think that a good day can really change in the blink of an eye.


Hiiii everyone!

Vote, comment, fan!

Pretty please with a cherry on top?

Lots of love,

Kat xxxxxxxxxxxx


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