Chapter Thirty

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"It's only for a couple weeks. That's all." Luke hugs me tight to his chest.

I close my eyes, trying to prevent myself from crying in front of him. I know he can't stand it.

If you're confused right now, let me fill you in.

It's been three weeks since Luke and I got together. He told me and my sister just a few days ago that he, Calum, and Ashton were going on a trip to Europe.

Originally, Michael was going to tag along too, but something came up...

More like, he can't leave Aspen by herself for more than 3 minutes.

My twin and I had both scored our first boyfriends in the same span of days.

She was the first person I wanted to tell about Luke.... but she refuses to fix our relationship.

I'm not quite sure if she knows I want to fix it, actually.

So, her and Michael sit beside each other, watching the other three couple's heartfelt goodbyes.

Tierney hasn't even tried to hold in the tears. She sobs and kisses Ashton's face repeatedly. It's super adorable, but I'll also admit she's being sort of a drama queen.

Ava is cuddled into Calum's chest, listening to him whisper in her ear.

"Flight 32 to London is now boarding."

I return my gaze to Luke as his arms around me loosen, and he pulls away. He holds my hand while all of the boys do similar things.

Slowly, he pulls his fingers out of mine, stares at me one last time, and turns away, toward boarding. The rest of the boys walk beside him.

I'll be okay. I'll be fine. He'll come back.

A tear falls out of my eye and I let out a loud sob. I sprint to my tall blonde boyfriend's retreating figure, and throw my arms around him.

He turns around in my grasp, hugs me, and kisses me on top of the head. He gently peels my arms away and leaves, practically sprinting. I know exactly what he's thinking. He wants to board the plane before he changes his mind.

I turn the opposite direction, wiping my tears away fast with the sleeve of my dark sweater.

I retreat to Michael and Aspen, trailing behind my mopey sisters.

Wow, enough with the drama.. I really need to cheer myself up.

I suddenly stop and spin I my heel.

I am definitely going to Starbucks.


I peddle my bike the rest of the way to my house, and wheel up the driveway. I open the garage door and set my vehicle inside, then trudge back out.

I walk into my house, only to find complete quiet.

That's no where near normal... but I guess I should've probably expected it.

I enter the kitchen. All of my sisters are there, their heads down. My parents are standing, angry looks on their faces. They're quiet as I slide into an empty seat.

"Now tell me why the hell you've all started to act so awful since we moved? You girls practically ruined the family! Stop trying to feed us this bull sh** about being in love with a bunch of stupid, rebellious, dingy, trashy, awful teenage boys!" My dad screams, his face bright red.

My heart drops, and I feel like crying.

"You guys ruined the family." I find myself retaliating, pointing my finger at them. They look taken aback, and furious.

"Summer, what the hell is wrong with you? And why do you think it's okay to mess around with that stupid Australian loser?!" My mother fires back.

"You guys are sh** parents!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I stand and throw my chair down on the floor, then storm out of the room.

I crash up the stairs and into my bedroom, then throw myself down on the floor.

Why did everything bad happen when Luke left?

I play with the string on my sweatpants and glance to the side at my calendar.

I notice something and gasp.

Why did I miss my period?



I'm so tired

School started today

I hate school


Lots of love



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