Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I wake up in the middle of the night because of a loud noise outside my window.

I put on a pair of shorts and heave myself out of bed. I trudge to the window, and very hesitantly, I peer outside.

I frown and furrow my eyebrows. A figure with their hood up. I squint a little and realize who it is.

"Luke? Why are you here at 2 in the morning?" I whisper yell, after throwing my window open.

"I wanted to talk to you." He answers in his normal voice, not bothering to be quiet.

Honestly, I don't even care.

"Fine." I say. I put on a sweatshirt and sneak down the stairs as quietly as I possibly can.

I put on some shoes, open the front door, and jog outside.

I find Luke sitting on the sidewalk, waiting for me. I settle down into a spot in front of him, then stare intently into his eyes for an answer.

"Summer, you remember that day in the garden?" He starts. I nod my head, knowing exactly what he's talking about.

"Well..... I wanted to tell you what I meant. When I said what I said."

"Really?" I raise my eyebrows. He breaths out and nods, looking tense and slightly..... nervous?

Suddenly, his head shoots up towards mine.

"I-I don't know how to say this, really... that late night in the ice cream shop, I hope you remember that too."

"Yes, I do." I urge, wanting to hear what he needs to tell me.

"I- that night, I thought maybe you'd just be one of my flings, you know, the kiss a couple of times, don't ever speak about it again kind of thing. You'd hate me and I'd be on my way."

I look away. I feel like I'm gonna cry. Why would Luke play with my feelings like that?

He puts his fingers under my chin and forces me to meet his intense gaze.

"Don't cry." He mumbles. I shake my head really fast and wipe my eyes, then I motion for him to continue.

"Okay. Ummm.. that's what I believed, when I took you to The ice cream parlor. My grandmother adored you." He smiles a little bit, thinking of the memory.

"Sorry.. I'm taking forever. Back to that night."

"Yeah." I reply.

"I thought nothing of buying you that ice cream cone... and then you looked up at me, happiness in your eyes and that big, beautiful grin on your face. I knew I didn't stand a chance, after that."

I stare into his ocean blue eyes and ponder what he's told me for a couple of seconds.

"So, what are you trying to say?" I finally answer, in the nicest way possible.

"Summer.... I'm in love with you."

My stomach flutters at his words. He's- Luke's in love with me?

I make a questioning noise and stare up at him.

"I fell in love with you that night. When you ran away, back to America, I was crushed. I thought you were kidnapped or hurt, I thought I'd never see you again. I pretended I was okay in front of everyone else, but I cried myself to sleep every night. But when I saw you at the hospital, I couldn't handle it. You were okay. I hugged you tight and didn't want to let go." He finishes. A few tears drop out of my eyes. I look at him for a little bit,and he seems to know exactly what I'm thinking.

"You only have to say it if it's true." He mumbles, looking somewhere else.

"I-I love you too, Luke." I stutter. He meets my eyes, and we just stare at each other for a long time.

Finally, we close the gap between our lips. His lips are soft and careful, and the world seems to stop, only the two of us in it.

He kisses me softly one more time, then I lay my head down on his chest, his arms wrapped around me, and listen to his heart beat for a while.

I find myself leading Luke inside, my fingers grasping his wrist.

I tip toe back up the stairs, him copying my movements. I open my bedroom door gently, and he closes it quietly.

I look up into his eyes in the dark, him being slightly taller than me.

He knows what I'm thinking.

Our lips crash together, and we stumble towards my bed.


I lay in my bed the next morning, watching beautiful Luke as he sleeps beside me.

His naked chest rises and falls, and his eyelids flutter whenever he takes a breath.

Last night, I gave one of the last things I still had to the boy I'm in love with.

You know exactly what I'm talking about.

But I know it was worth it.


Hi guys

I hope you're smart enough to know what they did

But if you're stupid enough that you didn't get it... here's a hint

*cough cough*

*they had sex*

*cough cough*

So scandalous!

Don't hate me...




Lots of love,



Long Way Home (5SOS)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें