Chapter Fourty-Seven

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"Connor!" I yell excitedly.

"Calm down, Summer, we're just talking on the phone." He laughs.

I've missed my best friend so much. I hadn't realized how much we hadn't talked since I broke up with Luke until he called me.

"So how's the new apartment?" I ask, while trying to touch my toe. If you hadn't already guessed, I failed.

"It's great! Just a little lonely, is all." He decides. I can practically see the expression on his face which makes me smile.

"What's been happening with you?" He asks. I bite my lip. Should I tell him?

"Well, umm, Luke and I broke up,"

"Whoah, what?"

"Con shut up I'm not finished yet!" I giggle.


"It's fine. Anyway, we just got back together about a month ago. And, something else happened."

"Do tell." He urges, sounding genuinely interested."

"Well, I'm kind of... six months pregnant." I breath, waiting for his response.

"Are you kidding?" He answers seriously.

"Ummm.. not really."

"Oh my gosh, Summer, I need to see you soon!" He makes a 5 second decision. I hear some rustling in the background.

"What are you doing?"

"I have just enough extra money to come see you right away." I hear a thunk and a groan follow.


"I'll be a few hours." Then he hangs up. I stare at my phone for a few seconds.

What the......?


I sit on the couch, snuggled up to Luke, as we watch a movie.

His fingers are around mine, and I sense him glancing down at me, before he kisses the top of my head.

"I love you." I mumble, meeting his gorgeous eyes. He smiles, with the small lip bite that makes my heart pound.

I catch his eyes look down to my lower half.

"You couldn't be more beautiful, you know." He speaks, making me blush.

"I'm just wearing sweats."

"Who cares?" He laughs. He places a hand over my stomach protectively and leans his head on mine.

We silently watch the movie for a little longer, just enjoying each other's company. I've missed this so much.

Everything finally feels...... perfect.

"Luke." I say quietly.


"This. How are we going to do it?" I ask, staring down at his hand. He puts his fingers under my chin and turns me to face him.

"We'll be fine. I promise."

For some reason, I believe him.

His lips meet mine, and he feels so familiar to me that my mouth instantly moves with his. We put our foreheads together, and he sweetly kisses my nose.

Then I remember a slight problem.

"Why do you have to leave tomorrow?" I question sadly.

"Break doesn't last forever." He sighs.

"Well, I'm just going to enjoy my time with you now." I decide. I hold his hand and lay down on his chest again, listening to him hum as I watch the TV screen.

I feel my eyes getting heavy.

Just before I fall asleep, I hear a murmur that makes my stomach erupt in butterflies.

"I love you more than anything." Luke whispers, as he strokes my hair.

My eyes flutter shut.


I'm sorry if that was classified as a filler

I got it done

So enjoy

We needed some sweet Summer-Luke moments anyway, so be happy


I'm going to bed

Love y'all

May the force be with you,



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