Chapter Fifty Four

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*A week later*

I wake up, a wave of nausia coming over me. I rush to the bathroom, and empty the contents of my stomach. After doing so, I stand up and brush my teeth. I walk to my room, and sit on my bed. I try and think of anything that could be the cause of my constant throwing up. I haven't eaten anything I'm allergic too, not too much food. I know it's not the flu. I think through the last week, when it hits me. Landon didn't use protection. I might be pregnant.

I call my doctors office, and they make me an appointment for 11, and it's 9:45, so I get ready, throwing on sweats and a tank top of Ava's. I throw on my boots with socks then walk downstairs after grabbing my phone. I see Calum snacking on some crackers, as he waits for Ava to get up. Maybe he would go with me.

"Cal?" I speak up, and his head shoots up at me.

"Yeah?" He responds, swallowing his cracker.

"I uh can you go to the doctors with me. I want someone to go with me and you're the first person I thought of" I mutter looking at him.

"Of course" He smiles, and stands up. He grabs his phone, and I grab my keys, and we head out.

"So, why're we going to the doctor?" He speaks up after a couple minutes.

"Uh, well last week t-the reason I w-was mi-missing was b-because I wa-was r-r-raped" I struggle out, trying not to cry. I hear Calum let out a gasp.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Cal asked softly.

"I-I was scared" I whispered, pulling into the hospital lot.

"Who was it?" He asked, following me into the hospital.

"Landon S-Stewart" I stutter.

"Okay, we need to tell the girls, and maybe the guys when we get back okay?" He replies, walking into the waiting room.

"Okay" I sigh, sitting down.

"Aspen Watson" I hear a doctor say, holding his clipboard. I stand, and walk follow him into the room, Cal staying behind.

"Okay, so can you tell me why you're here?" He says, setting his clipboard down.

"I've been throwing up constantly, and I'm having the same symptoms my sister had when she was pregnant" I say, looking up at him. He nods, and says that he'll just send a female doctor in.

"Hello Aspen" The nurse smiles, holding a couple boxes.

"Hi" I smile back, weakly.

"Okay, so I want you to take these into the restroom, and pee on them. These are pregnancy tests." She handed me the boxes, and ushered me into the bathroom.

I pull the three sticks out of their boxes, and pee on them. I pulled my pants up, and open the door after washing my hands.

"Okay, I'm done" I say quietly. She nods, setting a timer. We talk for the 15 minutes, and then go to check them.




All positive. I gasp, tears rolling down my face. I was 17. I'm not in anyway ready for this.

The nurse hands me a sheet with the next appointment on it, and I rush out of the room, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"C'mon, lets get you home. Hand me your keys" Calum said softly, taking the keys from my hand. We get in the car, me still crying.

"I'm seventeen I can't take care of a child" I wailed, banging the back of my head against the seat.

We soon arrive home, and I've finished crying after Calum calmed me. I notice the boys' cars all lined up, as we get out. We walk into the house, and everyone's eyes focus in on us.

"Aspen what's wrong? Where were you?" Ava says, rushing to hug me. I hug back, and quickly pull away, walking to the middle of the room, everyone looking at me.

"I-I have an announcement" I muttered, everyone nodding.

"I um recently had been s-sexually assulted, by my ex-boyfriend L-Landon, and I-I um I am p-pregnant" I say, staring at my feet, scared.

"Aspen- oh god. We need to tell someone" Tierney says eyes wide. I nod, and stare at my feet.

"I'm going to go get some sleep" I mutter, heading upstairs. I crawl into my bed, cuddling into my blankets. I hear my door creak open, and my bed sink down. Arms wrap theirselves around me, and I'm met with the smell of vanilla, mint, and pizza. Michael.




guess who

no i have a joke

why is 6 afraid of 7

bc 7 8 ass

okay bye

adios amigo

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