Chapter Eleven

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I was upstairs in my room trying to write songs, but all of the laughter from Summer's room was preventing me from doing so. I decided to confront them, I close my song book and stand up. I walk down the stairs, but stop when I hear Michael speak up.

"Ash truth or dare?" He asks, in which Ashton replies with truth.

"What is your opinion on Aspen?" I get closer to the door listening in.

"Aspen is a fat, attention seeking whore. She obviously wants someone here's attention. Honestly, she is a rude bitch. When you told me that she had no friends back home it didn't surprise me." Ashton says. I wipe at my tears, ready to open the door when I hear Summer speak up.

"Michael found bloody razors on her counter, she tried to make it seem like she cut, but let's be real here. She was trying to get Michael's attention. It was obviously stage. I mean she wouldn't show me where she cut, because there aren't any there" I hear all four of them erupt into laughter. I swing open the door and their heads snap towards me.

"Can you keep it down please I'm trying to work" I mutter my voice cracking. I turn around and shut the door.

I walk up to my room slamming my  door. I walk to where my phone is charging and pull it off the charger. I decide to call up one of my old friends. I look for the contact, once I see it I click on it and press call. After about 3 rings he picks up.

"Hello?" His voice rings through the phone.

"Mason" I choke out, still crying about before.

"Aspen, what happened?" He questioned sounding worried. I explain to him what happened and then he calms me down. After about 20 minutes he says he has to get ready for work. We say our goodbyes, and hang up.

I grab my laptop, and look up ticket prices from LA to Sydney. I look through and see that the tickets are $1,600. I call Mason's work, still having the number in my phone from when I was in LA.

"Hello, this is Hot Topic how may me help you?" Mason says in a bored tone.

"Hello Mason, how would you like to fly out to Sydney, Australia for however long for FREE?" I say giggling.

"Aspen? I would love to! Let my ask my boss how much vacation time I have for the year left." I hear muffled voices in the background then Mason comes back on "I have a month since I haven't used any, how long will I be staying?"

"A month?" I question. He agrees and says he'll see me tomorrow night. I smile hanging up.

I walk downstairs and grab an apple walking out to the living room. I see eight people sitting on the couches. I change the TV so I can play the XBox. Complaints erupt from everyone, because I interrupted their Keeping Up with the Kardashians marathon. I roll my eyes, and put COD in and grab my controller. I plop onto the beanbag and start playing.

"BITCH WHAT THE FUCK HE SHOULD BE THE ONE DEAD! EAT MY ASS" I exclaim when I die. Everyone is laughing so I flip them off  continuing my game.

After about 40 minutes of playing I groan throwing my controller across the room. I stand up and turn my XBox off and walk out to the kitchen. I get a small glass of water and walk out to the living room. I tell Ava, Tierney, Cal and Luke night, leaving the other 4 out. I walk upstairs and set my water down. I turn off my lights, and crawl into bed. I soon fall asleep dreaming of being back in LA.


*the next night*

"I'll be back!" I scream grabbing my car keys, and walking out the front door.

I hop into my car, and start it. I head off to the airport to pick up Mason. During the drive there I just have my roof down and my music up. I sing along to the songs that come on the local rock station. About 20 minutes I pull into the airport parking lot. I jump out of my car and walk into the airport. Once I walk about 10 feet in I spot the tall brown quiff. I bolt towards him attacking him in a hug he immedietly hugs back.

"Aspen you've changed" He says with a big smile. I smile back nodding.

We grab his bags and walk out to my car. We throw them in the trunk and hop into the car. I pull out of the lot and drive down the highway. I pull up to the gas station a couple minutes later. I ask him if he needs anything, he just asked for a bag of chips. I walk into the gas station to walk back to the coolers, I grab what I was looking for. I then walk over to the chips and grab Mason a bag of Cheeto puffs. I get a couple other things and check out.

I hop back in to the car handing Mason the chips, and pulling out a pack of ciggarettes and my lighter. I open the pack grabbing a ciggarettes and light one. I smoked a couple of times back in LA, and it didn't bother me. I inhale the smoke and breathe it back out. I rest my arm on the side of my car, driving with one hand. Mason and I talk about LA and Sydney. I finish my ciggarette when we pull up to the house. I drop it on the ground and stomp on it with my boot. I grab the bag from the grocery station and one of Mason's bag, while he grabs the other one.

I open up the door and scream that I'm home. I lead him up to my room and we set his stuff down and walk back downstairs. When we get to the living room all heads turn towards me. I flop down inbetween Michael and Mason.

"Aspen, why do you smell like ciggarettes?" Michael questions. Everyone's heads fly towards me.

"Well Michael, I stopped a the gas station and bought ciggarettes" I state shrugging. Summer walked in the room and her eyes land on Mason. Oh.

"What the hell is he doing here?!" She exclaims. Oh, right they hate eachother. I honestly forgot about that.

"Summer we ha-" I was cut off by Ava speaking up

"Aspen's smoking now" Summer's eyes widen slightly. I just shrug.

"I'm going to bed, Mason you know where your room is. Night everyone" I say standing up.

Once I get into my room I get ready for bed. I plug in my phone, and crawl under the covers. I lay there tossing and turning. After about 45 minutes I fall into a dreamless sleep.




its emily

idk how to feel about this

hope you enjoy


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