Chapter Fifty

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I stand infront of the large brick house in awe. The flowers outfront were beautiful, aswell.

"Wow" I hear Ava say, gasping slightly.

"Let's go on inside" Tierney says, grinning. We all dash for the inside, after Summer unlocks it. I bolt upstairs, remembering where the master bedroom was, and throw myself into the room.

I immedietly lay down on my pre-made bed, but get hungry. I go to sit up, but I notice a square in the ceiling. I stand on my bed, and pull in downwards by the handle. The door flies down, and a latter extends into stairs. I grin, crawling up the stairs into the attic. I look around, and notice theres enough room, to set up a bed and stuff, for like a hideaway. I grin at the idea, and walk down the stairs, and fold them up, closing the door. I walk out of my room, only to have Ava come dashing infront of me. I start to walk forward, but Tierney runs into me.

"Why aren't you getting ready? Oh my god, we have 10 minutes" She wails, checking her hair in a hallway mirror.

"Ten minutes till what?" I asks, confused as to what was going on.

"The boys are coming over" Ava says waltzing past me, her long hair swaying as she did so.

I dash to my room, grabbing a pair of shorts and a random shirt. I change quickly, throwing my clothes into the hamper. I throw my hair up, and run downstairs at the sound of a knock. I swing open the door, only to slam it back shut. I stand there, before Ava comes in. She opens the door and let the boys in. My eyes go anywhere but at Michael. I notice no one else is in the room, and walk into the kitchen, where they were all getting spaghetti.

I sit inbetween the girl that came with the boys, and Ashton. I put some spaghetti on my plate, as Michael speaks up.

"So this is my girlfriend Halle" He grins throwing his arm around the blonde. Everyone goes in conversation, but me. I soon scoot my chair back and excuse myself from the table.

I quickly walk out of the kitchen, and run up to my room. I slam the door behind me, locking it. I hear footsteps, and banging on my door. I look through the peep hole, only to see Michael.

I walk away from the door, and grab my laptop. I search 'Michael Clifford and halle" on twitter, and scroll through the tweets.

@KeepC_A_L_M: Wow Halle is such a slut I wish MIchael was still dating Aspen

@Maspen5SOS: I'm pretty sure my queen's name isn't Halle

@5SOSSlays: Lets be real hear the only person I ship with Mikey is Aspen. I ship Tierney and Ash, Ava and Cal, and Summer and Luke. Bye.

I grin at all of the tweets of people who ship Michael and I. Honestly, there weren't any that shipped the two, which had caused me to love the 5SOSFam even more.

I lay on my bed thinking of old memories I had with Michael, and after a while I drift off to sleep.


Okay, I don't like this one v much.

Have a fab fab day


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