Chapter Thirty-Four

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It's been a week and a half since I found out.

Luke's coming back tomorrow.

My sisters already suspect something's wrong, because I've been extra tired lately, and I puke my guts out every morning.

But, I just shake them off, saying it's nothing.

I'm so scared Aspen's gonna tell them.

Why did I go to her? Why didn't I know she would push me away like this? I need her so bad right now.

I need Luke, too.

But I can't tell him. He can't know that this happened.

It tears my heart to pieces to even think this, but I'll have to push him away.

Push Luke away and make him think I don't want or need him anymore.

I'm not even sure if I can do it.

If he knows I'm having a baby and it's his, he'll throw his whole future away to be with me.

I can't possibly let that happen. Luke's future is his, and I always want it to be his. I need to put the boy I love in front of me for once.

I shuffle down the street, kicking a few pebbles to the curb.

I don't know what to do with all of this nerve wracking free time, so I've decided to actually walk to the mall.


I don't know where I came up with this bright idea, considering the mall is 2 miles away... and I'm not in the greatest shape to go long distance walking.

You know what I mean.

By now, I only have about a half a mile left to go.

I frown, my lips pouted, and kick another rock as hard as I possibly can without looking up.

I hear a small yelp, and my gaze lands on her.

Aspen, of all people coming down the street.

"Hey." I smile, shoving my hands in my pockets.

"What do you want?" She growls.

"I was just saying hey, or do you suddenly not speak the English language?" I cross my arms.

"How's the baby coming, teen whore?" She smirks. I send her a mean glare.

"None of your business."

"Goodbye." She flips me off, walking the other direction. I roll my eyes, sigh, then flop down on the grass in somebody's yard.

My life just got a whole lot harder.




*The Next Day*

I stare out the car window, the airport in view. Tierney and Ava chatter excitedly in the front seats. My heart beats fast at finally seeing Luke again.

Today, today is the last day that I can have him and he can have me. I have to push him away after this.

I shake the thought out of my head.

I can feel sweat on my hairline. It's over ninety degrees outside, and I'm wearing a black hoodie.

Luke's, to be exact. It was the best thing to hide my small, just barely noticeable bump.

I'm also wearing denim cut-offs, my favorite white Vans slip-ons, and my hair in a messy bun.

Tierney parks in a spot and jumps out of the car. I follow her slowly.. I'm just sooo tired.

We practically sprint to the right gate, eager to see their faces.

"Has it landed yet?" Ava asks me. I shake my head.

"No. We've still got a good 15 minutes." I sigh. We all hang our heads and walk to the chairs at the gate.

Ava gets up to make a Starbucks run, and I'm alone with Tierney.

"So, how's everything?" She finally questions, breaking the silence between us.

"Okay, I guess." I shrug. I mean, there are plenty of others things that are awfully bad, but I guess I'm technically still okay.

"By the way, I've been meaning to ask you something."

"Ask away." I respond.

"What's with all the puking in the morning lately? Are you like prego or something?"

I stare at my hands and tears well up in my eyes. I don't answer her question.

"Oh my God. Summer, please tell me it isn't true."

"It wouldn't be fair to lie to you, big sis." I meet her eyes. She just stares at me for a few seconds.

"It's okay, Sum. You'll be okay." She wraps her arms around me, sniffling a little.

"Thank you so much, Tier." I rub my hand on her back. Suddenly, her head shoots up from my shoulder.

"Is it Luke's?" She presses. I nod.

"Could I maybe... see?" She asks hesitantly.

"Sure." I grin. I take the hem of the hoodie I'm wearing and pull it up, so my stomach is in full view.

"Wow, I can already see it." She touches it, making me laugh because it tickled.

"The plane just landed!" Ava yells, returning with our drinks in her hands. I drop my shirt and take my Frappucino.

We stand and I take a few sips, watching the doors.

Eventually, they open, and people spill out.

I set my cup down and look around desperately for familiar faces.

Suddenly, I spot Ashton. His head is turned, and he's talking to-

"Luke!" I scream, happy tears streaming down my face. I run forward, to him, not caring about the crowd.

Finally, I collide into his body. I throw my arms around him and bury my face in his chest, while he buries his face in my hair.

"Sum." He breathes, kissing the top of my head.

"Luke." I repeat. I haven't felt so happy in a while.

"I love you so much." His words make my heart melt, and my stomach stir, and I can't help but say-

"I love you too."

And I do... I really love him with all of my being.

How will I ever let him go?




I'm tired


May the force be with you



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