Chapter Fourty-Five

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"He's totally noticed already, Sum." Michael whispers. I'm about to reply, when I hear someone's voice.

"Summer?" Aspen asks. I turn, meeting her eyes, and smile. I stand, feeling ecstatic.

"Aspen." I say, my voice cracking. I've wanted this moment for a long time.

My twin gently embraces me, and we have a powerful sister moment.

Oh my gosh that sounded so cliché.

She goes around, happily hugging everyone else, before sitting down.

"So, how's everything in Aussie?" She questions.

"Well, actually, we haven't been there for a while, we've been touring." Michael grins.

"Congrats guys!" She grins.

"We're sorry Ava didn't come, we didn't even know where she was when we left. She's probably freaking right now cause she doesn't know where we're at." Tierney laughs.

A weight seems to go off Aspen's shoulders, and she sighs.

"Good. I thought she didn't want to see me...... How's mom and dad?"

"We don't really know.... they usually come back really late at night if at all." I comment sadly, looking at the ground. It's true, and I really miss my parents.

We talk for a few more minutes, when a pretty girl pokes her head in the room.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt, but we really need to go to our rooms." She says. Me and the others frown..

"Bye guys." Aspen leaves the room, and I wave goodbye. I feel someone's gaze on the back of my head and turn around.

Luke is staring at me.

"We need to talk." He says seriously. It's now or never, Summer.

Somehow, I knew he might find out.

Reluctantly, I stand.

"Good luck." Michael whispers, touching my hand. I thank him, then follow Luke out of the room.

He finds an empty hallway, then turns around to face me. He doesn't say a word, just looks into my eyes.

"What happened, Summer?" He finally asks.

"W-well, uh, I, umm..." This is when the tears begin to spill.

"I'm pregnant, and...." I hiccup.

"Duh...and what?"

"It's yours!" I manage to spit. I've been holding all of this in for the past five months, and it's finally managed to escape.

Luke noticeably pails, his eyes glued to the bump on my abdomen.

"M-mine?" He stutters. I meet his nervous eyes, then nod.

"I'm so sorry. I-I never cheated, Luke. I still love you. I just didn't want this to ruin your music career." I sniffle. My gaze shifts down to my feet, while I expect an angry reaction.

I feel fingers under my chin, and I'm forced to look at his face. I still avoid his eyes.

"Summer, you're more important to me than my music career. Or anything." He says seriously. I don't have time to think as he presses his soft lips to mine, and my stomach explodes with butterflies.

He pulls away and carefully wraps his arms around me.

"I love you so much." He whispers into my hair. I faintly smile.

"I love you too." I answer, trying not to cry into his shirt.

He meets my eyes, still holding me, then glances down at my belly.

"This will take a little getting used to." He admits.

"I'm sorry it happened so early."

"It may be a little bit early, but it's still all I ever wanted." He says sweetly, before pressing his lips to my forehead.


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Lots of love,

May the force be with you,

Kat xxxxxxx

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