Chapter Fifty Six

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Aspen ((I'M NOT OKAY))

I was laying down on the couch with Michael, we were watching Flowers In The Attic and I was currently throwing popcorn at the TV and screaming.

"CORY DON'T EAT THE DONUT NO CORY YOU IDIOT!" I screech, throwing another handful of popcorn at the TV.

"Asp, calm down. It's just a donut." Michael says, pulling my hand out of the bowl.

"But he'll die! He's only five!" I wail, tearing up. I was an emotional pregnant okay. Michael paused the movie and wrapped his arms around me. I cuddle up to him, and he softly runs his hands through my hair. I glance up at the time, and notice I need to leave in ten minutes.

"Michael, I need to change" I mumble, removing his arms, and getting up. I walk- more like waddle -up the stairs, and to my room. I grab a t-shirt, and some athletic shorts. I change, with much struggle, then head downstairs.

"Michael, lets go" I call, slipping on my shoes. Michael walks out of the kitchen, a water in hand, along with his keys. We make our ways to the car, climbing in, and driving off.

- (skipping car ride) -

"Hi, how may I help you?" The lady at the desk asked, tilting her head up.

"I have an appointment with Dr. Jonas right now" I tell her, smiling.

"Aspen Watson?" She questions, I nod, and she tells me to take a seat in the waiting section. Michael and I sit in the seats, quietly chatting until my name is called.

"Aspen" A nurse called, and I stood up, following her to a room.

"Okay Dr. Jonas will be with you soon" She says, after checking my vitals and everything. I thank her, and soon the doctor comes in.

"Hello Aspen, I'm Dr. Jonas" The lady said, washing her hands, and putting gloves on.

"I'm going to take some pictures, so can you lift up your shirt, and I'll put the stuff on" She said. I nod and lift my shirt. She puts stuff on, and takes some pictures. Once they've printed, she shows them to me.

"Would you like to know the gender?" She asks, I look at Michael, and he nods.

"Yes please" I smile.

"Well you'll be having a baby boy" She says, smiling.

"Great" I grin, and I stand up.

"Okay, well I'll see you in a couple weeks. Take care" She says smiling, and we leave the doctors office.

- (skipping car ride again) -

Michael and I clamber out of the car, and head inside. We walk up to my room, and lay down.

"What should we name him" Michael asked softly, kissing my forehead.

"I kind of like the name Kyle" I suggest, looking at his face. A grin breaks out on his face.

"Perfect, would James work as a middle name?" He asks, looking up at me.

"Of course" I grin, kissing his lips softly.

Michael and I lay there and enjoy eachothers compony. I feel exausted, and cuddle into a snoring Michael. I soon fall into a dreamless sleep.





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