107 - I Entrust Them To You

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A/N ~ ------ 13,400 words! As I'd hinted in the last A/N, this chapter is a long one... so long in fact that i could have broken it up into ten or so chapters, all of which would be within the average length of most Zephyr chapters (1200 - 1500 words). This one was somewhat painstaking but nevertheless, please enjoy and thank you for your time!

Seraphim Zephyr the Third - POV;

"I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen," Dyer sighed apologetically.

"It wasn't your fault Dyer. It was my own stupidity. I promised her I would go to her performance but instead she found me in that sitiation. Damn it," I cursed.

"You should go to her. Make things right sooner rather than later," he suggested.

"That's no good. The last thing she wants to see right now is me," I responded.

"That isn't true Seraphim. Sophia loves you," he let the fact slip.

"I had a feeling that was the case. I just wasn't sure," I admitted.

"So go."

"I can't," I told him, "There's no way I can face her now. We'll head towards Great Zenith tonight. Your mother and my father are waiting there. We have to go save them both before something truly terrible occurs. As for Sophia.... I'll make it up to her when we return. I promise."

"That doesn't mean much after you broke such a big promise to Soph," he muttered.

"No. From this day forward I swear I'll hold true to my promises. Should I ever go back on the oaths I've made, I will make myself suffer the deepest depths of hell and bring disgrace to my ancestors. On that day, I will step down as Regulus of Zephyr."


Seraphim Zephyr the Second - POV;

"You've really found yourself in a pinch Seraphim," Regulus Astra shook her head.

"Perhaps, but I will pull through nevertheless for I am a son of Zephyr."

"You never cease to amaze me Seraphim. Such faith in your clan's name. Anyway, I should be leaving. No good will come from me being in your room this late at night," she murmered as she rose to her feet, "Oh but one thing before I go, your mistress sent a message for you along with me. She says to go "f" yourself and do everyone a favour by dying."

"I didn't expect anything else," I grunted, "How is the child?"

"She's just fine. She'll undoubtedly inherit her mother's hatred of you and Zephyr if you leave things as they are however," Regulus Astra added.

"Perhaps... but maybe things are best left as they are."


The next day I had an early start as usual, rising just before the sun. Donning much more presentable than my old robes, I stepped out onto the already bustling streets. Very few people acknowledged my presence but though this may have seemed out of place for any other region where the Regulus were looked upon as one of the most upper class, Great Zenith was populated mostly by the rich, the powerful, nobles, royalty and of course, the World Heirarchy. My position wasn't nearly as impressive as it was in the rest of the world. Infact, many scoffed at the Regulus name here, often in jealousy or hatred.

I explored the grand Centurion District which housed Great Zenith's most extensive network of shopping centres, malls, trading guilds and commerce. It's said that one could find anything for sale here, no matter it's rarity.

It wouldn't be long before I was confronted by an old friend.

"It's been a while Zephyr," he snickered.

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