A/N- 10k reads/1k Votes Milestone!

1K 123 9

A/N -

Zephyr has seen a rapid growth recently, skyrocketing in reads and votes alike. Infact, it's recently hit a whopping 1000 votes and climbing, not to mention an excess of 10k reads. I'd always hoped that it would reach here one day, but I certainly didn't expect this all to happen so abruptly in the midst of my exams no less. Words can hardly describe the surprise and sheer joy I've experienced in these past few weeks. From my acceptance into a DVM programme by a fairly highly rated university (Amongst the Top 5% in the World if I'm not mistaken) to this only a fortnight later... I have no words.

Zephyr is a project of love and passion for me and is a story I've grown, planned and developed for hundreds upon hundreds of hours. I released this project on Wattpad for the simple reason that money and publishing isn't exactly something I chase. All I truly wanted was for this tale to be available for free to a wide audience and Wattpad as well as its large, wonderful userbase provided just that.

Zephyr has always been just as important to me as successfully completing my DVM, thus you can be assured that my shift into university life will not conclude my progress on this story. I have spent a significant amount of time writing new chapters of Zephyr over all of May, between my final exams of all things. My dedication and love for Zephyr is far from spent. Every detail, mystery and aspect of the plot has already been meticulously crafted and I've even already written the final chapter of the book. However, that will have to remain under lock and key until I've finished the chapters between here and that point.

I've wasted enough time, so allow me to come out and say this: Thank you. Thank you, dear reader. Zephyr has only come so far because of each and every person who has given their time towards reading and following this story. Some of you have been here from the beginning and others have joined more recently, however no matter when you jumped aboard this train, I appreciate your contribution deeply.

Zephyr has finally reached close to its Zenith; the point where all that has been built up will begin to pay off generously. I hope all of you continue with me on this ride. Strap in and prepare yourself for soon we shall enter the beginning of the end.

Ten chapters will be uploaded shortly in celebration.

Thank you. Thank all of you for the time you've invested in this humble tale.

~ t0_x-in

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