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"I really want to get to know her!" Niall excitedly announces to us, after going into more detail about how him and some eleventh grade cheerleader made out in an empty music room.

Seeing him so happy about this makes me happy for him, despite me not liking the fact that he has a 'girlfriend'.... at all. It all has to do with this fucking dream that's making me want to kiss Niall. At first I couldn't do it because Niall is straight and my best friend. Now there's another problem; he likes a girl.

The sooner I can face the fact that I will never know what it feels like to kiss Niall, the easier it'll be for me to get this friendship back on track. That stupid, sexual dream about him and me hasn't been helping me at all. In fact, I think it's making this part of my life quite miserable.

"I can help you out. You know, give you some tips so she'll like you more." I shrug my shoulders and smirk over at Niall, all of us knowing that I couldn't possibly give advice about girls since I've never had any experience with one.

"Right," Niall rolls his eyes playfully and scoffs.

"Woah, Louis." Harry says, repeatedly raising his eyebrows at me. Oh my god, did he seriously take that as in 'me trying to get with Niall?' Because I'm sick of all those jokes right now.

They make me feel like maybe I want to date Niall, but I know I don't - I can't. He's my best friend and that's what he'll always be. I'm okay with that.

"How're you gonna help Niall?" Harry adds, angering me more. They all three laugh, but I just angrily eat my food. From my peripheral vision I know they're all looking at me with confusion, except Niall has a hint of worry in his eyes.

Liam hits Harry who continues laughing at himself and Harry clears his throat before smashing a pringle into his mouth and carrying on a new, random conversation with my other two friends.

For the whole rest of lunch, I've been silent as I ate and just listened in on my friends pointless conversations. Once the bell rang, our cue to leave and head to our next class, I throw away my trash, zip up my lunchbox and rush out of the cafeteria.

I know now that they all know something is up with me, but I refuse to tell any of them about my dream, especially Niall - for obvious reasons. If anything, I'd tell Liam. Although I love Harry dearly, I know he'd make jokes. But if I were to tell someone, I'd need someone who could actually be serious about the situation and give me advice.


"Lou!" Someone shouts and I instantly recognize the voice, Liam. I groan and speed up, hoping to get onto my bus before he catches up to me. "Louis! Seriously?"

Liam stops calling my name, so I stop rushing so much. Just as I sigh in relief, someone, clearly being Liam, pulls me back by the arm and turns me around to face him.

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