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"I really can't." Louis whispers, looking me dead in the eye as tears fall from his eyes and his voice cracks. He begins walking away right after that, so I quickly wrap my arms around him from behind and rest my head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry," I tell him. He stops and stands there, sniffing lightly. "You'll be okay, Lou. I promise. Whatever's going on, you won't be hurt forever."

I pull away and he just stands there, back still facing me and looks at the ground. I step in front of him and put my hands on his shoulders.

"What can I do?" I beg him, need to help him. He rarely cries so the fact that he's crying at school says a lot. Something is definitely wrong.

Louis takes a deep breath as if he's thinking, then just wraps his arms around my waist and lazily drops his head onto my chest and lays it there.

"Just stay with me." He sighs, mumbling against my chest. "Please." He breathes out. I hug him back tightly, right away.

"Always," I tell him softly. "Hey Lou, do you just wanna skip school?" He nods and smiles lightly.


"I'm, I'm really sorry Niall." Louis sighs and plays with his fingers. I furrow my eyebrows and ask him why. "No, you aren't my dad, but you're my friend. You were trying to help me out and all I did was shout. I just had to be a fucking asshole about it and I-"

"Shut up." I smile at him, starting to walk as we exit the school property. "Don't call my best friend an asshole." Louis blushes and laughs lightly. "In all seriousness Lou, it's fine. 100% fine. You're in pain about something so you're gonna lash out sometimes, it happens. Don't worry about it."

I really want Louis to trust me and tell me what he's hurting about, but I respect that he's uncomfortable in doing so I won't pressure him.

"What do you wanna do?" I ask him, walking aimlessly, for now, until Louis tells me where to go.

"This is super boring, but, can we just go back to your place?" Louis asks me. "I'm not feeling up for too much, cause ya know, hurting." He laughs dryly.

I smile sympathetically at him and nod. "Totally, no worries." He looks over at me and smiles small. "We could just watch a movie."

"Ooh! Then could we stop for snacks?" He smiles bigger. Either way I would've said yes, but seeing him smile just made it impossible for me to say no.

"Hell yeah!" I shout, then we both laugh lightly. "If we're watching a movie, snacks are essential." I add, smiling.

After we get snacks - consisting of Reese's, Sour Patch Kids, Twix, Kit-Kats - we arrive back at my place. Louis helps me carry things into my house, then we drop it all onto the coffee table in front of the living room couch.

"What do you wanna watch?" I ask him. He shrugs and I playfully roll my eyes. "It's your choice, mate, okay?"

"Don't pity me just cause you know I'm not 100%." He blushes and smiles lightly.

"Just pick a movie." I laugh. "It doesn't matter to me." I add with a shrug. Louis sighs and grabs the remote, searching through Netflix to find a good movie. Meanwhile I look over at him and think about when I kissed him. Why wasn't it more weird and awkward? Why did it feel good? Why do I want to kiss him again?

"Ooh, maybe this one." He laughs, looking over at me to see my reaction. He chose one of the Chucky movies.

I smile and laugh lightly. "Those movies are hilarious! They aren't even one bit scary." I lean my head back on the couch. "Let's watch it."

We start watching the movie and after a while I notice Louis' laughter die down. As I laugh at something funny, he doesn't laugh. I furrow my eyebrows and look next to me so I can see him. His eyes are heavy and he keeps blinking awake and then falling asleep.

"Lou," I whisper, nudging him softly. He opens his eyes and hums, looking over at me. "Do you wanna go to my room and sleep?" I ask him. "You're about to fall asleep."

"But then you can't finish the movie." He mumbles. I furrow my eyebrows.

"Sure I can." I laugh lightly. "I'll make sure you're situated in my bed and then come back down to watch."

"You said you wouldn't leave me, though." He smiles innocently at me. I blush and playfully roll my eyes. "I'll sleep here."

"You sure that'll be comfortable enough?" I worry.

"I've done it before," he rolls his eyes and smiles, reminding me. He yawns and then holds his arms out. "Cuddles?" He asks me and my face lights up.

"Cuddles!" I shout, wrapping my arms around his waist and tackling him onto the couch. Then I turn so I'm not laying on top of him; I lay on my back as Louis lays his head on my chest. We entangle our legs together and I pull him closer to me, smiling.

Cuddling him, now, is so much different. It feels like more than just cuddling a best friend. After kissing Louis I feel like that's all I want to do.

Sorry, that the stories aren't that long anymore. I'm just tired from writing so much and my phone is so tiny so I have trouble writing on it. (I don't have a laptop, so only option is my phone)

But I really hope you guys are enjoying this story so far, it's gonna get more interesting than it is right now. It's boring because there isn't any action between Nouis yet and some of you don't like it.

Okay I'll stop😂

Goodnight babes😘


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