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*I hate to see sad Louis😢

*I hate to see sad Louis😢

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"God fucking damnit!" I yell, kicking my wall repeatedly. I run my fingers through my hair and wipe away a few tears from my eyes.

I call Liam, it's 8am, but I don't care if he's asleep.

"Hello?" He asks while yawning. I probably woke him up; I don't care.

"You saw Louis last night, right?" I ask him impatiently.

"Harold and I, Yeah." He says. "Why do you ask?"

"Payno, was he okay?" I sniffle. "Was he crying? Does he hate my guts?" I almost don't want to know, but I have to know.

"No, Niall, he was actually defending you when we told him that you fucked up. He said that you didn't and you were trying to get his mind straight." Liam tells me.

A light shade of pink crosses my cheeks, but I don't smile. I feel so fucking awful.

"I wanna see him." I whisper through the phone.

"Then go," Liam yawns again. "I'm sure he'll be home. There's no way he'd wanna leave the house this soon."

"Fuck!" I groan. "I'm the worst best friend ever!"

"Apparently not," he sighs. "Louis seemed angry and definitely heart broken, but he defended you the second Harry said you fucked up. No hesitation."

"Okay," I sigh, feeling hopeful.

"Honestly, mate. He'll forgive you. It may take some time, but he'll forgive you." Liam assures me. I smile and sigh in relief.


I wait nervously for Louis' front door to open after I knock on it a few times.

Jay opens the door and smiles small; she must know what I did. I wipe away a few of my tears and look at the ground.

"I think I need to say something to Louis." I murmur nervously.

"Louis said he doesn't want anyone over right now, Niall. I'm sorry." Jay smiles small.

"Can you, can you just tell him not to blame himself. I know that's what he's doing; he always does. Just, please let him know." I say softly, then turn and walk away as I wipe away more tears.

"Niall," I turn around and see Lottie at the door. She turns and has a short, quiet conversation with Jay. "You tell Louis that." She smiles small, moving aside. I smile back thankfully and walk back up to the door and inside the house.

"Thank you." I smile small, walking upstairs and stopping at Louis' door. I knock on the door, but decide not to speak yet and Louis mumbles something that I can't understand. I open the door and close it quietly behind me, then look at the brown haired boy laying on his bed, face in his pillows. "Lou?"

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