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*Nouis during Over Again was so cute😊😊
How they always laughed, made jokes and moved in sync😀😀
Oh, how I wish we will be able to see it again😔☺️🙂

*Nouis during Over Again was so cute😊😊How they always laughed, made jokes and moved in sync😀😀Oh, how I wish we will be able to see it again😔☺️🙂

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It's the end of the day so I quickly rush out of the school in order to get home before my friends notice me. I ate lunch in a classroom, I asked a teacher and he let me eat in his room today, so I made it the whole day without seeing my friends - after the whole Nadia event.


Fuck. Okay, so I almost went the whole day without seeing my friends.

I'm pretty sure Harry said that, but wherever it was, I don't want to talk to them.

It's obvious that all Niall does is baby me around. It's cute, but I'm so clingy and annoying to him. I always whine when he has to leave, cry or get upset about stupid things that nobody else gives a shit about - everything I do just proves that I'm pretty much a baby. And I don't like being a baby.

I mean, I like that Niall takes care of me and makes me happy when I'm upset, but I'm not as independent as I should be. That's why even though I wanna be around Niall all the time, he shouldn't hang out with me as much.

"Lou, please." I hear Niall say, so I know they're both there, possibly Liam.

I keep walking and hope that they'll leave me alone, but of course I'm wrong. I feel Niall gently grab by arm and then stop me, turning me around so I face him. He takes both of my hands in his and squeezes them.

"Niall, stop." I mumble, then try to shake his hand off of me, but fail. I have a lot of muscle according to Niall, but he must've been holding on really tight.

"Baby, why're you being like-"

"Don't call me baby anymore." I say quietly, looking at the ground. Niall lets go of my hands which kills me as I think he's taking it the wrong way. I look up at him worriedly. "I'm not breaking up with you, I promise." I say quickly and assuringly, then sigh. "I just don't like that nickname."

"I know you're not breaking up with me, Lou." Niall smiles sadly. "But I also know that you do like the nickname." I blush, but don't smile.

"Whatever," I cross my arms. "You can't call me it anymore."

"If you and I both like it, I'm gonna call you baby." Niall smiles at me.

"You can't, Niall. Cause I am being a baby, right? Yeah. And I don't wanna be anymore." I raise my voice slightly.

"Louis," I look over and see Liam, so apparently the three of them came here together. "They told me what went down, and just because Nadia said you were a baby doesn't mean you are."

"For real, mate." Harry sighs. "It's stupid for you to be believing the shit she says. If you let everything everyone says get to you, Lou, you're not gonna be happy."

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