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My pace gradually slows down until I fully stop walking and stay still, shocked at what just happened. Louis just told me to leave him alone.

Does he mean forever? He couldn't, I don't think.

There's a part of me that understands he's just going through something that he feels regretful for, but all I can really focus on is the fact that my best friend just told me to leave him alone.

I watch Louis hurry off towards his house and I blink away my tears before they fall.

What did I do? How can I fix this? I want to help him, but there's no way I can leave him alone. I care too much about him to have him struggling like this and just sit back to watch it all happen.

"Harry, wanna hang out?" I say, acting happy once Harry answers my call.

"Sure, but order pizza." He laughs. I roll my eyes and agree to buy us pizza and he cheers. "Are Louis and Payno coming too?"

"Uh, no. They've got this thing. I dunno." I shrug my shoulders. "They didn't really elaborate."

"Okay, whatever." Harry laughs. "I'll be there soon."

I hang up the phone and sigh, now arriving at my house. The first thing I do is rush up to my room and fall onto my bed, groaning.

Why'd I invite Harry over? I can only fake this for so long. Soon enough I'll just scream or end up crying or some shit. And it's not like I can fix this - Louis told me to leave him alone. How the hell would that fix anything he's going through?

I just want my best friend back, but I don't know what's happening to him at this point.

"Hiya!" Harry chirps as he walks into my room. I've been playing video games for twenty minutes while waiting for him, attempting to temporarily forget about what Louis told me... but failing at doing so.

"Hey! I ordered the pizza right when I got home, by the way." I fake smile. Harry plops down next to me on my bed and looks at the screen.

"Yay!" He excites. "Woah, you suck. What's up with that?" He notices, laughing lightly and throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"I'm just exhausted from school. That's probably it." I lie, laughing.

After the round of FIFA is over, Harry joins in and we play the game together.

"Niall!" My mum shouts. I reply back, asking what it is she wants. "Come down here!"

"I'll be back." I sigh, setting my controller down and walking downstairs. "Yeah? What's up, mum?" I ask once I reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Louis doesn't seem the best." She mumbles and I turn to see Louis standing at my front door. My eyes light up yet I also become more upset. He hates me.

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