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*Anyone know what interview this is?? I love how Niall is looking at Louis' hand, because it "accidentally" touched his knee😊😁

*Anyone know what interview this is?? I love how Niall is looking at Louis' hand, because it "accidentally" touched his knee😊😁

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"Don't go," I whine and pull Niall's arm as he stands up from my bed and tries to walk off after hugging me goodbye.

"Baby," he laughs, turning around and kneeling down at the edge of my bed. "You can sleep in Lottie's or your parents room tonight. I'm not allowed to sleep over on school nights."

"But I'll miss you too much." I pout, playing with his hair.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow and we can walk to school together, how's that sound?" Niall smiles kindly at me.

"That's fine." I roll my eyes, and Niall scoffs jokingly, making me laugh and cover my mouth. "Just stay."

"I wish I could," he frowns and sighs. "I'll see you tomorrow morning baby boy," he grins and stands up.

"That doesn't mean I'm calling you daddy." I huff, crossing my arms and turning away from him, then smirking to myself.

"Good, I don't want you to." Niall says, then suddenly I feel his arms around me and his lips on my cheek. "I miss you already." He whispers, kissing my, now flushed, cheek one more time and then walking out of my room.


I rub my eyes and yawn, letting my eyes slowly adjust to the bright light. My parents wanted me to sleep on the ground in their room last night so I did, and I cuddled Niall 2.0 the whole time, though it's never as good as cuddling with actual Niall.

After I quickly get ready, I rush downstairs and go over to my mum. "Is Niall here?" I yell excitedly. Mum laughs lightly as she faces away from the stove for a moment to look at me.

"Not yet, sweetie. You're up awfully early so he should be here in fifteen minutes." She tells me. I groan and cross my arms, sitting on the kitchen floor. "Don't act like a child, Louis." She says seriously, but laughs dryly.

"I'm gonna call him and ask if he wants to eat breakfast here today." I smile at my mum, not asking her but telling her. She shrugs her shoulders and sighs lightly, so I take that as a yes.

I push myself off the ground and go over to the living room so I can call my boyfriend.

"Morning baby," he says softly, yet somewhat in a raspy, morning voice.

"Did you eat breakfast yet?" I ask him.

"I said morning, Lou." Niall giggles.

"Sorry, morning to you too babe, but did you eat?" I rush. I hear Niall's adorable laugh and he tells me he didn't. "Good - eat breakfast at my house today. Please? I miss you."

"Of course, let me ask first." He tells me right away, then I wait a few seconds as he goes and asks his mum or dad. "I can come. I'll be there in less than five minutes."

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