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*Louis is looking at Niall so proudly, like he's his baby (well he is😁)

*Louis is looking at Niall so proudly, like he's his baby (well he is😁)

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I run out of Michael's house and don't stop until I'm all the way home. Michael's house only happens to be two miles away from my house, so it didn't take long for me to run there. The only reason it took a little bit longer for me than it usually would have is because I was crying the whole way; sobbing, really. Therefore, I could barely see and it was harder to me to catch my breath. But I managed.

Even though I don't want anybody finding out that I'm hurt, since I don't cry too often, there's no way I can stop crying. So I just unlock my front door as I'm still crying just as hard as before. I decide, now that I'm home and sheltered, I don't want to move. So I shut the door behind me and slide down it, bringing my knees to my chest and hugging them tightly.

"Louis?" I hear someone yell, suddenly Lottie is at my side. She hugs me tightly as she knows I can't really speak right now and just hushes me. "Louis, what happened? Are you okay? Should I get mum?"

I don't say anything; I don't even nod or shake my head. I just hug my knees as loud sobs escape my mouth.

"Louis, it's alright." Lottie assures me. "Whatever you're crying about, I promise that it's gonna be okay." She says soothingly.

"Louis? Lottie?" I barely hear my mum calling over my sobs. "Louis? Sweetie, what's wrong?"

"He won't talk to me." Lottie worries. "He walked in a crying mess. I don't know what happened."

"Sweetie, take some deep breaths," my mum tells me, petting my hair gently. I unwrap my arms from my knees and hug my mum who was sitting in front of me. She hugs me back and rubs my back softly, shushing me soothingly. "Honey? What's wrong?"

"N-ni-all, h-he-" I'm cut off by more sobs. My mum shushes me again and tells me to calm down before I say anything.

"Let's go sit on the couch, honey." My mum tells me softly, so I nod and stand up, still crying, as my mum and sister lead me to the couch. I sit between them as I continue to cry hard, but not as hard as before.

"Lottie, sit with him as I go get him some water, okay?" My mum asks, standing up from the couch.

"Of course." She replies in a soft voice. Lottie comforts me as I curl into a ball and lay on the couch, trying to calm myself down. "You said it was something with Niall?" She asks me softly. "Did you guys argue?" I start crying a little more now as I think about it.

Niall does not like me. He never will. It's impossible for him to ever like me. Even if he was somehow gay, he wouldn't like me. I'm annoying and ugly and nobody would ever like me. Especially not Niall Horan.


I calm down after another five minutes, then drink some water. There's no way I'll get away with keeping this a secret anymore, so I decide to tell my sister and mum.

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