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Louis has been quite silent for the whole day and I feel like the headache isn't most of the reason why he's acting so off. The first thing I think it is; Our conversation from this morning. He figured out he kissed me and now is really weirded out by it. That's understandable, but I don't want him being so weirded out that he doesn't even want to be around me.

"Lou!" I call him, jogging to catch up to him. He smiles small and continues walking next to me. "Can we please talk?"

"Family thing, remember?" He smiles, but it's fake. His face doesn't crinkle up like usual. I frown and then sigh.

"Really quick," I lick my lips and begin. "I know the fact that you kissed me is really weird, so you probably don't wanna be around me knowing that you kissed a boy when you're straight, but please don't leave me. You're my best friend and I seriously need you." I tell him. "Sorry that was really deep and serious, I just really don't want our friendship being so awkward after this."

He looks shocked and I see his eyes get watery. I furrow my eyebrows and then my face changed to a sympathetic look.

"I won't leave you," he says quietly. He smiles small, more of a real smile this time, but still looks upset. What did I do?

"Lou, are you?-"

"I've gotta go." He sighs, walking a little faster. "Love you, though. I'll see ya tomorrow."

I nod my head as I continue to have a worried look on my face. "Yeah, I love you too. Bye." I sigh, then start walking towards my house.


"Hey mum," I smile as I walk in my house and sigh.

"Hi, sweetie. How was school today?" She asks me, looking away from her papers that she was working on and smiling up at me.

I set my backpack down against the wall and sit across from her at the dining room table, fiddling with my fingers.

"I need advice." I sigh, right away seeing her put her pen down and moving her papers aside.

"Honey, what's wrong?" She worries.

"You can't tell Louis' parents, okay?" I beg her and she nods right away. "So Lou went to a party last night, he got really drunk. I tracked where he was - since he wouldn't tell me and brought him back to our house so he wouldn't get in trouble."

"Oh my gosh," my mum sighs. "Was he alright?"

"Yeah, just crazy drunk." I shrug. "I got him out of there right before he started smoking." I roll my eyes.

"Oh my - I bet he's so grateful you were there for him. You're a wonderful friend, Niall." My mum smiles at me. I smile back and nod.

"So we came downstairs for snacks after I gave him water and cutting to the part where I need advice, he told me I was really cute and he liked being around me. I was about to ask him why he went to that party anyways, because we were supposed to hang out."

"Awe, I'm sorry sweetie." My mum smiles sadly.

"So he hugged me and I hugged him back." I bite my lip. "Then he told me he wanted to do something so I asked him what and, he kissed me."

"Oh," she looks slightly shocked, but then nodded lightly. "So, what next? Did anything-"

"No, we just kissed. Even if I liked him like that, he was drunk. I wouldn't take advantage of him." I promise her. She smiles and nods. "And it didn't weird me out because, I mean, we're best friends. It's not too weird that he kissed me, ya know?" My mum nods lightly. "But today he forgot about it, so I told him. Then all day he's been acting all weird. I feel like it's weirding him out that he kissed me when he's straight, so now he doesn't wanna be around me."

"Honey, I don't think that's true." My mum guesses, speaking softly.

"Liam asked what we should do after school today and I suggested something. But then Lou instantly said he had a family thing going on. I asked if he had any short amount of time before or after and he just said he had to go." I ramble on.

"Niall, I bet he's just trying to process what happened." My mum assures me. "You can't blame him for feeling a little weirded out about kissing a boy."

"But we're best friends, it shouldn't be so weird to make him not wanna be around me." I groan.

"You know Louis, Niall. And I know him well enough too, to know that he's going to be your best friend forever, okay?"

"Yeah, that's true." I sigh and shrug my shoulders.

"Just give him a little time to really comprehend it, okay sweetie? It'll be fine, alright?"

"Thanks, mum." I smile, standing up.

"Anything for you, Niall." She smiles. "Love you."

"I love you too," I smile before walking up to my room. I decide to play some video games for a while to focus my mind on something other than Louis.

After a while, I get a text from Nadia and smile. I know if I talk with her the I'll also stop worrying so much about Louis.

Nadia: Hey Niall😘

Niall: Hi!

Nadia: Tomorrow there's that party I was talking about, remember? Sooo, just letting you know that it's starting at 9pm now, ok? Michael's dad isn't leaving until a little later now, so that's why it changed.

Niall: Oh, idk if I can come anymore

Nadia: Awe why not? I'm gonna miss u so much🙁

Niall: Well Louis went to a party last night and got really drunk, so I don't really want him in that environment.

Nadia: Niall😂 Ur not his parent or guardian. Plus, he doesn't have to come. I just want YOU to come🙁

Niall: But he's my best friend and I would want him there

Nadia: Then bring him and have ur other friends watch over him. Boom.

Niall: True...ok. I'll ask them, but I'm pretty sure I'll go🙂

Nadia: YAY😘😘


I shut off my phone and bite my lip, running my fingers through my hair nervously. Louis probably won't even want to go if I'm there. But it'll be worth a shot. I want my three friends with me, just so long as Louis stays safe - well all of them stay safe, but mainly Louis since he's recently gotten drunk.

I really hope this works out.

I really don't think anyone actually likes this story, but I don't wanna be that person who just full on stops updating, sooo... I'm gonna finish this even if it kills me😂

Goodnight/morning cuties😘😘


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