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I wake up with Niall's arms wrapped around me. My heart starts beating faster, yet I also smile at the feeling.

You need to stop, I tell myself. There's no way I can stop thinking this way if I cuddle with Niall. It's not like we fell asleep like this, otherwise I would've never fallen asleep due to fear, so he must've moved around in his sleep.

Niall is definitely a cuddle lover, which makes it harder to be around him. He'll randomly cuddle one of us at any time and place, which I usually don't mind. Now I love and hate it so much, I just don't understand.

Without waking him, I wiggle out of his arms and stand up, stretching. This whole dream made me forget about staying fit for the past week, so I decide to work out now.

Since Harry and Liam take up a lot of the space in Niall's room, I go into his living room with my phone and earbuds in my hand and get my workout playlist ready.

Niall's mum and dad are already at work, since it's 8am and - Niall and I being friends for so long, I know their work begins at 7am.

I have this whole routine, but can't do anything with weights since Niall doesn't have any. He doesn't work out - he's just a stick. Well, his shoulders are broad-ish and may become more broad, but he's pretty much just a stick.

After working out, I decide to make breakfast. I'm super sweaty and want to shower and though I'm comfortable with showering at Niall's house, I'd rather make them breakfast before doing that. Instead I just take off my shirt so I don't feel more gross and figure out what to cook. Even though I'm insecure, there's nobody around right now so therefore no one can judge me.

They probably want pancakes or waffles, classic breakfast foods, but I'm also going to make myself an egg sandwich because it's healthier.

"Hey, mate." Liam yawns as he walks into the kitchen just as I'm finishing cooking breakfast. "You made breakfast?" I cross my arms just so I can cover up my stomach - insecurities are so great, not.

"Yep," I smile over at him, handing him a plate of pancakes and waffles. He takes it and thanks me, sitting at the island in the kitchen.

"I know you don't like talking about it, but how're you doing - revolving around the dream thing?" He asks me and I bite my lip whilst sighing.

"I dunno what to do, to be honest, Payno." I admit since I know my other two friends aren't awake.

"Yeah, it's a tough situation." He sighs and nods his head. "Niall, by the way, is afraid of losing you as a friend. Like, really fucking afraid."

"Really?" I furrow my eyebrows, hiding my slight excitement. He won't worry about that if he finds out I like him, though.

"He wouldn't shut up about how he thinks you're drifting away from him." Liam adds on.

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