Chapter 36: First kiss

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3rd  persons POV

Mikan went off to the sidelines after the incident with the ESP, upset about what the legend says about masks falling off. Ruka went over to her and attempted to console the brunette, the action made the both of them blush at the close proximity. Akako smiled a little at the two of them, happy that Mikan was getting close to one of her bestest friends.

Akako walks around, examining everyone and everything. To others she was socializing but it was rather opposite, people kept coming up to her in attempt to speak with her despite all of her failed attempts to escape. No one ever knew how careful and observant the girl was, she could see things about people and study them very easily. Although, when it came to her personal life she had no idea about certain things even if others had spelled it out for her.

She spotted the Imai siblings dancing with each other, but it would not really be considered dancing. It was more like they were stomping on each others feet, the scene caused students to whisper to each other. "Are they really dancing?"
"Ooh, that looked like it hurt."

Wow... even the cool and collected siblings can fight like normal people.. the girl thought to herself. Everyone seems very happy at the moment, so the little one sighs in relief.

With one last look around the ballroom, Akako makes her way towards the large christmas tree. She subconsciously climbs the tree, wanting to get away from all of the people. She perches herself on a branch and leans against the trunk, sighing as many thoughts cloud her mind. On the branch above her, the boy sits there and studies the way the girl relaxes and closes her eyes.

Her delicate features have him enamored.. she looks as though if you were to breathe on her, she would crack into a million pieces. He wanted to cradle her, keep her in a soft little bubble where no one can do any harm to her; he wants to see her smile and laugh everyday that they're together. He wants to grow up with her, and to be blessed with her laughter ringing in his ears, her voice always flooding his thoughts.... But he would have to save them first. The girl that he was in love with was such a mystery yet she also showed everyone everything about her. She showed her emotions and thoughts very clearly but she also kept many things from others. She kept the things that hurt her and tormented her so that no one would give a second thought about her ever being in danger.

Her bewitching blue eyes open, specks of honey brown dancing close to the iris; no one would notice from just looking at her but Natsume had known her for years. He knows things about her and her tell tales that even her twin doesn't know. He knows so much yet he also knows almost nothing. She keeps many things hidden so that no one is caused distress and it infuriates him that she takes on so much.

"Natsume? What are you doing up here?" her tender voice breaks him from his thoughts. He slowly lowers himself to the branch which holds the gleaming girl. "Why aren't you out having fun with our friends?" a small frown pulls at her small lips as her brows furrowed in sadness that he's all alone.

"I should be asking you the same thing." The boy shrugs and lays down on the branch, ignoring the piercing blue eyes that are studying him like a hawk.

Akako gives out a sigh and leans against the trunk, relaxing around a dear person to her. Her eyes wander down and look at everyone that's having fun and laughing with each other. "I just wanted to sit down.. also that kiss between you and Mikan-nee had me shooken up a little. I had suspected that some of my friends had liked her in a different way. I wish you had told me about your feelings." she crosses her arms and glances at Natsume who sits up, his foot going on the tree so that he can rest his arm on it while the other arm holds him up.

He doesn't look at Akako but frustration bubbles within him because Akako doesn't recognize his feelings for her. In her defense, the girl wouldn't know if there was a chicken on her head unless someone said something.

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