Chapter 53: Panic

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Akako's POV

"What are you doing Yōichi?!" Mikan-nee exclaims as Yō-chan lets go of our hair and sits on the desk in front of us.

"No sleeping in class." Yōichi says to us, making me frown and pull him into my lap. "I wasn't sleeping, only daydreaming!" I shake my head at him while fixing my pig tail and rubbing my sore scalp.

"I wasn't doing anything! I was just sitting here!" Mikan shouts at Yō-chan while rubbing her head with tears from the pain.

I hug Yōichi to me while Narumi-Sensei begins talking about the upcoming sports festival, making Mikan-nee shocked. "The classes will be split into two teams! The red team will consist of the Special abilities class and the Latent abilities class while the white team will consist of the Technical abilities and the Somatic Abilities classes. The Dangerous Abilities can decide whichever class they would like to be in." He explains.

"WAH WAH WAH!" Mikan-nee cries as Ruka and Hotaru seem to be on a different island in her mind. I frown and meekly try to reach for her, "Mikan-nee, I'm still here..." I try to comfort her.

"Ah! Yes, the Dangerous class always gets annoyed because they must choose." Narumi-Sensei says while arrows appear and point at Me, Natsume, and Yōichi.

"Ah! Natsume!" My head turns towards the voice and I see Luna standing there. My legs become shaky and my stomach drops, "I'm in the Somatic class. You should come join the white team!" She smiles. My whole body begins to shake, I feel as though I'm going to fall to the floor.

'Why... Why do I feel this way? Why...?'

"Na... Natsume..." I call out, but he keeps looking at the ground. I can feel the stares of everyone around us, but I keep my eyes on Natsume. Someone comes up next to me and I hear Mikan-nee speak, "Natsume, are you wanting to go to the white team?" She asks.

'I don't think I want to hear the answer.'

I muster up my courage. I... I take a deep breath and speak, "Natsume..." His eyes travel to me, he must have heard my emotions through my voice. "Will you please..." I ask desperately, "Refuse her?" I stare into the red eyes that I love so much and try to show him my feelings, "Come to the red team? To my team?"

"Akako-chan..." I hear Mikan say, but I'm ignoring everyone.

My focus is solely on Natsume. Just like always.

His eyes are cold towards me... on the surface... why?..

Because.. Natsume holds my heart...

It's as though time moves in slow motion. I watch as Natsume turns his head away, and soon all I see is his back. Facing me.

And I hoped with all my being...


That he wouldn't break it.

"Natsume chose the White Team! That means that Yōichi goes to the red team!" Someone shouts.

I watch as Natsume walks farther and farther away from me, with Luna.

"I think it's time that Natsume got a new partner, what do you all think?" I hear Narumi-Sensei say.

'So much is happening in such little time, I don't think that my heart can handle all of this.'

"I think Luna should be Natsume's partner. She doesn't seem to hate the idea of it. If it's alright with Natsume.." Natsume doesn't deny the offer. "HR is over!" Narumi cheers before leaving the room.

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