Halloween Special

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It was late and you were running out of time. Freddy fully expected you to pull him out of the Dreamworld at midnight.
Tonight was a huge party that was being thrown by (b/n)'s best friend. You still had a lot to do before leaving and you were rushing to finish.
You threw on your costume and was just putting on the finishing touches when midnight struck.
You fell asleep, waking up to the familiar scene of the boiler room. The little girls were singing in the background when Freddy suddenly appeared.
For a moment, he stood here, taking in the sight of you dressed like him in a red and green striped minidress, black boots, fedora, and a finger knife glove. Then he smirked.
"I must say, you look sexy in my outfit, babe."
He grabbed you and kissed you. You pulled him into the real world, rolled over, and got up.
You smirked and said, "C'mon. We've got a party to get to."
You and Freddy met up with (b/n) at the party just as the costume contest began. The two of you won, of course.
All in all, it was a great Halloween.

You stood in front of the mirror in your cabin as you listened to the sound of campers getting ready for Halloween.
Jason and Pamela were preparing the haunted attractions in the camp while you were getting dressed.
Pulling your hair up in a ponytail, you gave a once-over of your costume. You were a female version of Jason, with a t-shirt, shorts, boots, a hockey mask, and a machete. Giving yourself a thumbs up, you went outside.
You met up with Jason who grinned at your outfit. His mother led you out to the haunted corn maze to begin the celebration.
As the night progressed, you took a ride on a hayride, rode a horse through a creepy forest, got to participate in capturing a deranged murderer, and bobbing for apples.
At the end of the night, you cuddled with Jason, thinking how great of a Halloween this was.

You laughed as your mom left for her Halloween party, dressed in her pajamas rather than a costume.
Michael had just arrived and was trying on his costume while your sister was sitting on the couch, watching the monster marathon, ironically dressed as a fairy princess.
You went to check on Michael who had most of the Gomez Adams costume on but was having trouble getting his hair to lay flat. You giggled at how adorable he was when he was helpless.
You helped him with the hair gel and got to work on the makeup. He smiled at you when he saw how beautiful you looked as Morticia Adams.
All dressed up, you said goodbye to (s/n) who was complaining about Nightmare Before Christmas being on TV because "it clearly wasn't a horror film".
You and Michael went out on the town, getting candy, pranking kids, and ended up in the park by the end of the night, laying out under the stars.
He kissed you and you smiled, loving how this Halloween turned out.

Leatherface's family was setting up a haunted house for this year and your family was coming to visit so you were beyond excited!
You smiled as you watched your teddy bear of a boyfriend trying to squeeze himself into some chaps.
The pair of you decided to dress up like a cowboy and cowgirl as you wanted to match.
You were dressed in a cute cowhide dress with a brown leather vest on top of it and matching brown boots and a hat.
Likewise, Bubba was dressed similarly but in a more masculine version of your outfit.
He had just slipped on a pair of boots and his own hat when the bell rang, signalling time for the haunted house. You ran out to hug your parents who thought you and Bubba both looked adorable.
The second bell rang and you saw Tex and his new girlfriend rushing to join you. Mama Sawyer made her speech and the lot of you rushed into the haunted house.
You were honestly impressed with the way it turned out and even though you didn't win (Tex and his girlfriend won), you still had an unforgettable Halloween.

Billy snuck up behind you while you were applying the final few drops of fake blood to your costume. Billy was in his Ghostface costume while you were playing the part of his victim.
"Billy!" You complained. "I almost applied too much!"
"Who cares? You'll still be the hottest girl there, babe."
You, very childishly, stuck your tongue out at him.
Taking Billy's hand, you went to the party. Billy was joking around with Freddy, who was there with his girlfriend and you just rolled your eyes, noticing how many people there were dressed as Ghostface.
You went bobbing for apples then decided to get Billy back. You dunked his head in the pail and he spent the better part of the night chasing you.
Regardless, this was a great Halloween.

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