Jason Voorhees' Wedding

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Wedding Dress

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Wedding Dress

Wedding Dress

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Wedding Ring

Jason's Suit

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Jason's Suit

Jason picked the place where the two of you had your first date for your wedding

•It was the spot the two of you ended up after your hiking trip when you decided to have a picnic in a clearing somewhere in the woods.

•There isn't really a theme to it. Thus, why the black clothing and decorations.

•Jason is so soft the entire time and takes his mask off to kiss you

•You've made new friends since meeting Jason and they are much more respectful towards him and Camp Crystal Lake.

•They honestly thought it was a joke when you told them where you were having the ceremony and who you were marrying.

•But they treated him kindly when they met him.

•Your parents have similar reactions.

•Michael Myers is his best man (and vice versa).

•You left the reception early. (No, not for sex, you dirty hoes. For some quiet time next to the lake.)

•You're pretty much already living at Camp Crystal Lake but Jason built a cabin by the lake for the two of you to live comfortably.

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