Panic Attacks

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A/N; trigger warning? its just a panic attack but i feel like i need to put this here
enjoy and sorry for another dramatic chapter :|

Chapter 42; Panic Attacks

It was now bright and early, or afternoon and I was still in the same position I was in when I received the news Mum told me about their relationship. I was still upset with them, I felt like I couldn't move. I froze on spot, looking like a freakin' mess and I hope that everyone would just leave me alone today, I need some peace.

A headache was starting to grow, pissing me off slightly. It grew to the point where I needed painkillers and a glass of water, but that required walking downstairs. I decided to just ignore the others when I go down there.

I pout as I move from my spot and checked the time, 12.43 pm. Huh, so it was the afternoon. I haven't really touched my phone since Mum called. I gulped and I cracked the door open, I heard the sound of laughter downstairs. I wish I was happy at this moment, but I wasn't.

My mission was to sneakily get the painkillers and a glass of water before anyone sees me. I creep downstairs, I walked downstairs and into the kitchen which thankfully was the first thing you see when you walk downstairs. Shit, they were there and new I looked like a right mess and double shit, they had friends over.

I ignored them though, their friends stare but thankfully the others didn't. I knew Colby was staring, figuring out there was something wrong with me but I didn't say anything as I pulled out the painkillers from the draw, grabbed a glass, filled it up with water, and chugged it down.

I pressed my lips together and winced at how big the headache got, I wanted to cry but I didn't as I made my way upstairs, climbing it like there was no tomorrow. I booked it in other word sand I slammed my door accidentally, letting the entire house know I was upset.

My headache grew worse when I slammed the door, I really, really shouldn't have done that. I was upset with Aaron because he didn't tell me sooner even though he knew a few days before I did, but I was still upset with him. Deeply, I do deep breaths to try and calm myself down.

I then walked over to my bed and I lay on it, curled up with my phone and I looked at some edits that fans keep tagging me in and such, may I just say, they were amazing edits. They're better than I'll ever be at editing my own YouTube videos.

They're so talented. As I scroll through, liking and comment and such, I heard a knock on my door. I chew on lower lip and I heard another knock. "Come in," I weakly let out and I saw Colby enter, with a worried expression on his face.

"Paisley?" Colby questioned softly, I let out a soft hum and he closed the door. "Are you okay? You look like you haven't gotten any sleep."

"My parents got a divorce." I say plainly, I'm not sure how I feel about it now, I know I'm somewhat angry, I got over my sadness.

"I'm so sorry, Paisley," he whispers. "When did you find out?" He eventually moved closer to me, sitting beside me.

"This morning... 3 am. My mother just calls, a-and Aaron knew days before she called me and... and they've been divorced for a month or so a-and neither of them decided to tell me until now, and I can't breath!" I exclaim, my breaths growing heavy and my chest felt like it had a ton of weight on it and I was gasping for air, terrifying myself.

I feel like I'm suffocating, the room around me was spinning slightly making my eyes widen and I think I heard Colby call my name but a loud ring in my ear drowns him. I'm losing it, I'm totally losing it. My throat feels like it's closing in for air, my heart was pounding loudly and there was pressure in my head.

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