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Pov Dylan

I fiddled with my phone when Annie came up to us. We all greeted her, she said that she wanted to introduce us to her friends and we all headed towards one of the stands. There were two girls standing there, I did not pay attention. Thoughts of my marriage were still spinning in my head, and to distract myself, I checked my weibo . Suddenly i heard a laugh, it rang in my head distracting me from all my thoughts.

I looked up and saw "Her"                                                                                                     I heard Annie say ..." this is Gia and Yue." Kuan introduced us .... and the girls turned in our direction, nodded, greeting us. my eyes met her                                                                                                                                                                    her eyes .... they are amazing, perky, full of life and sparkling.                            I felt that she was looking at me ...                                                                                  but I could not look away from her, she was charming.                                                                                       I had a desire to touch her soft tender skin ... what's wrong with me?                                                          I looked at her face ... it was a pleasure ...                                                                                                                But she suddenly turned away ...                                                                                      Anni suggested to take a walk around and XiZe said that he was going to find something special for me.                                                                                                                                                                           I asked "what?"    he said "bed".

Bed? Are you serious? Why do you say it ? But everyone laughed, and I heard her laugh again ... I smiled.                                                        The girls and Kuan walked in front, I followed her ...                                               my eyes were riveted ...

She is small and charming. I looked at her dark silk hair, she gathered them in a ponytail, exposing her beautiful neck and nape, which I wildly wanted to kiss ... I looked at her frail shoulders and back, at the thin waist ... and lower and lower ... My heart was beating at a frantic pace.                                                                                                                       I felt like a predator, I was a tiger, a beautiful doe proudly walked in front of me, feeling no danger ... what a stupid, stupid doe ...

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