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"I can't believe I'm watching this girly 'sweet love' story..." groaned Xize.

"What's wrong with love and you ?"sulking told him Jia

"In fact, this is not 'sweet love' but Pride and Prejudice ..." Kuang laughed.

"I like Darcy so much" said Jia.

" I like him too but I like Elizabeth even more. So stubborn and brave and at the same time charming." Yue admired them.

"Well, in stubbornness, you are not inferior to her ..." Annie laughed.

Yue looked at her and pouted like a baby. Everyone laughed at her antics and Annie's words.

Yue spotted Dylan and in a second Sun Quin, who was behind him.

"Yue.. How's your hand? I'm sorry I yelled at you, but I just was...." Di started talking, when suddenly Yue quickly getting up from the couch headed towards them.

Dylan did not have time to understand what was happening when Yue hugged him by the neck, rose on tiptoes and kissed his lips passionately.
He immediately hugged her waist and wanted to respond to her kiss, but Yue pulled back and looked behind him.
Dylan followed her gaze and saw that Sun Quin had not yet left.
He smirked at Yue's antics.

"Oh. Sun Quin ? Are you still here? I forgot to thank you for the congratulations. That was very nice of you."
Winked to her Yue and smiled.

Sun Quin clenched her fists.
"No matter. I did not expect gratitude."

What the congratulations they talking about? Thinking Di

"Have you talked? Can I pick up my boyfriend now?" Yue asked her to make a haughty face.
A happy smile spread across Dylan's face.

The guys pretended as if it was a common thing to see them like that and just continued to watch the movies smiling.

Sun Quin smirked bitterly .
"What a cute that fiancée of yours..." she said sarcastically to Di and left.

Dylan widened his eyes, waiting for Yue's reaction, but nothing changed.
When the guys heard the door slammed, they started giggling and clapping

Noticing how dylan looks puzzled, the guys decided to make fun of him even more.

"Oh, Yue! So what's up with your fiancé?" Jia pretended to be talking about it.

"Oh. Yes, about this...I have his number. How do you think should i call him?" Yue asked.

"Sure. Why not? Call him now." Suggested Xize. " Just talk to him, you will have deal with this situation sooner."

The guys barely restrained themselves so as not to laugh at the expression on Dylan's face.

"Eh..! It's late, you can do it tomorrow right?"He suggested nervously.

"Eh? Don't you want me to get ride of him?" Asked Yue with pout

"I am sure he is not sleeping now." Said Kuan. Dylan looked at him fearfully.

"By the way his name is Wang He Di, He Di.... hmm sounds good?" Yue smiled. Dylan felt his stomach ache from nerves, his face changed even more.

Yue pressed the call button ...


A second later, Dylan's phone rang. He was confused, in the eyes was panic ...

Yue looked puzzled.
"Di? your phone??!.." She said with a frown.

"W-what?.... Uhh.. Phone? Yeah.. phone...! Ahmm" Dylan started stuttering.

"Won't you pick up the phone Di?"

Dylan swallowed nervously.
And pushed the answer button. Yue stared into his eyes.

"Hi Wang He Di, nice to meet you. Finally. I am Shen Yue." She said.
And turned off the phone.

Dylan was still standing holding phone at the ear with a dumbfounded face.

The guys started laughing all together.

" Ahaha, hello from Earth Wang He Di!"laughed Xize.

Dylan just stared at Yue with no words.

"I know everything Mr. Wang He Di." She said and smiled sweetly

"W-what? H-how?" Stammering said Di.

"I hope you forgive me, my childishness and  stupidity..." She said looking into his eyes with apologizing look.

"Forgive you ??? Omg SHENYE!!! Don't say that, I was the one who should say sorry..."
Dylan sighed, hugged Yue and lifted her from the floor. " Nice to meet you SHENYE. Really... really nice to meet you and to have you..." he said while stroking her head.

"Di... Di... uhh.. ohh... please put me down... aihh I can't breathe.." giggling said Yue

"Yeeheeeyy!!! Fiiinallyyy !!!" screamed everyone and laughed
Di's Apartment

Girls, tired after the flight and the long night, were still asleep.
In the meantime, in the kitchen, guys helped Dylan make breakfast for everyone.

"So now we can breathe easy?" asked Kiddo, who had just arrived.

Xize told him everything that was happening at night.

"Yes. I really did not think that everything would be so easy." Said Xize.

"Di, you should be happy that Yue was so understanding. Buddy you are lucky you know?" Kuan smiled.

"I myself am surprised. For several weeks I puzzled over how to tell her and worried about her reaction. But how she reacted to this... I just have no words, I really sighed with relief. She is amazing, it is impossible to understand what she thinks and how she will act at the next time." Dylan said with sparkling eyes.


Dylan shook his head with a smirk on the antics of friends. he took Yue's hand and led her into the room.
He sat her on the edge of the bed and knelt down in front. His eyes sparkled and the smile never left his face, Yue was happy to see him like that.

"You can not imagine how happy I am now" He said taking her hands in his and looking in her eyes lovingly.

"I'm sorry Di, for making you worried and..."

"No no no... don't say that. Actually it's me, the one who should have apologized. Sorry... sorry for not having told you as soon as I found out about everything."He continued with his head down. "I ... I was afraid. Yes, it sounds silly probably. But at first time, from the very moment when you were in my hands, at that exhibition, I ... I realized that I could not let you go. I was thinking about you all the time, I wanted to extend this moment ... but then I learned that you left, that you had family problems, and when we came to you at that bar .... I was lost, crushed by what I learned ...
You had a fiancé..... And even if you hate him, you will not be able to get rid of him.
I remembered at that moment about my situation, the same as yours. About the engagement, about the promise ... it was strange of course, but who would have thought that you were my girl... or that I was the most hated fiancé ...." he laughed. "Knowing your opinion and seeing your condition at the mere mention of him..."he pointed to himself and smiled bitterly. " I could not confess to you. You wouldn't even look in my direction if I did that" He said sadly and looked into her eyes again with tenderness.
"This is too much for a simple coincidence ... as if the universe is playing an invisible game. Don't you think so?"

Yue smiled at him with a charming smile and hugged him tight.

"I don't think ...."
she kissed him gently in the corner of his neck.
"I'm sure." She whispered.

Love you DIYs 😘
Zary ....

Photo Credit to the owners....

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