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After breakfast, Dylan drove Yue to her apartment. Nobody talked on the way there, all the time Dylan looking at Yue, but she was looking out the window all the time. When Dylan looked at Yue again, their eyes met. He decided to break the silence and asked ....

"Yue, I want to ask you something?"

"Yes. what is it?"

"At night ... hmm ... did you have a nightmare?"

"Oh yes. How do you know?"

"you cried in your sleep..."

"ohhh ..hmm... to be honest, I've had a nightmare for a long time."

"Nightmare?... that is the same all the time? "

"Yes, it is always the same dream..." she began to bite her lips.

"If this topic is unpleasant for you, we can not talk about it." said Dylan.

"No... it's okay. This is a long story from my childhood. It's is not really interesting." she smiled but her eyes were sad.

Dylan knew what she was talking about, but he could not show her that, he simply bowed his head. One day she learns about everything, but not now. Who would have thought that this half year would be an opportunity for me ...he thought

He smiled at his thoughts and looked at the road. Yue noticed this and stared at him, thinking about the smirk on his face.

"Why are you smiling?" she asked frowning

"Nothing, just thought of something..." he smiled at her

"Hmm ... Just don't think too much." she rolled her eyes.

"hahaha why? I like to think about .... umm ..." he looked at her from head to toe and grinned.

"Stop doing that. You pervert ...!"

"Huh? pervert?" he shook his head

she stared at him with a burning look.

"You must thank me, I took you into the shower and if ... "

"Into the shower?!!!"interrupted him she exclaimed and widened her eyes.

"And what could I do? you had a hot fever."

"What else did you do with me what i don't remember?" she covered her face with her hands because of embarrassment.

"We arrived...." he said giggling at her confusion

"Just tell me i should know what new you coud say next time"

"Ahaha ... really ... why are you so tense because of this?" he laughed: "I just took you to the shower, and then dressed you ... nothing special," he winked at her? she frowned and looked at him.

"Ok, ok, sorry ... hahaha, I'm just kidding. It was not me who changed your clothes, it was Jia, I just carried you into the shower in your clothes, and that's all, "he said, smiling at her sweetly.

She slapped him on the shoulder, got out of the car, and headed for the building.

"Thanks for the road. You can leave." she smiled and bowed her head.

"No .. hmm, i'll be waiting for you." he said, getting into the car seat.

"Oh well... maybe then you want to get up and wait inside?" she asked uncertainly.

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