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Dylan's POV

Opening the door I was hoping that she was still in the shower, but I was taken aback when I saw her standing at the door.

I could not stop my eyes, which shamelessly looked at her from head to toe. I almost heard my inner voice say to me.
What are you waiting for? Take her she's yours.

Her wet hair falls on her bare shoulders, this glowing skin, her almond-shaped eyes and lips parted in surprise, her barely covered body.
Stop. I need to get out of here, or I will do something....

I can't breathe when I think that he could touch her, and even his smell was on her skin on her hair ... agrr ...
I feel that there is a beast inside me ... another minute and he will come out...

"Do not look at me like that." She said.

"How can I not look at you ? What kind of man can turn away from this view?" I smirked.

The truth is that I wanted to claim her make her mine as soon as possible.

But in what century do you live HeDi ...? Ughhh...Cool down.
I said to my inner beast.
She already wears your ring and half the country knows that she is yours. What more could you want?

"Hey...Will you give me something to wear? I have already turned to ice and you are still standing." She pouted like a baby.

Does she knew how cute she looks?

I went to the closet, took my T-shirt from there and gave it to her.

"Turn around." She demanded.

Are you kidding? Seriously? What does it mean to turn away Yue? I thought, but turned away.

Knock on the door.
She was confused and pressed against the wall.
"I'm coming." I shouted, winked at Yue and walked to the door.

Jia and Xize stood in front of me.

"How is she?" Jia asked impatiently.

"She's fine, in the shower. She needs to sleep." I lied.

"I told you she was probably sleeping. She's fine. Come on, you need a rest too." said Xize winked at me and embraced her, headed for the stairs.

I turned back, smiled mischievously and wanted to close the door already when suddenly I heard the voice of Dee jie.

"HeDi, what are you doing and where is Yue?"
She asked, and without waiting for an answer, she shoved me and entered the room.
Yue saw her flustered and reddened even more.

"Oh. Yue, how nice you are not sleeping. You come with me." jie said unceremoniously grabbing her hand, Yue looked at me as if begging to save.

"Heyyyy jee, aren't you going to drag her through the whole house like that?" I said taking Yue's hand from her.

Jie stepped back, looked at us with her brow furrowed and said
"Yes, in principle, you are right. I'll bring clothes here." She turned and headed for the door. "Oh Yue, sure he did not tell you, tonight will be dinner with family and friends. Initially, it was supposed to be at home, but because of the events, we decided to go to a restaurant. Didi, I will send the clothes and go to the restaurant. Moms are already there, you and the boys will come later." Having said all this, she left, and as soon as the door was closed we exhaled loudly.

I Because of the fact that I could not enjoyed the game I was started, Yue is most likely due to the absurdity of the whole situation.

She smiled awkwardly and got ready to go to the dressing room to wear a T-shirt that I gave her.

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