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POV Yue's

 ... I spoke with one of the staff office when my dad call to me. I already know what he will ask.

                  two days ago .... flashback .......

dad:" i don't intend to wait until you get married without my knowledge. It seems it's time to you to become a serious, and realize that your spontaneous solutions affect the reputation of the whole family."

 "dad, it was not spontaneous solution. I loved him, and if you do not interfere in my life  I-I would was .... (crying I).                                                                                                                                                Dad: "you my daughter Shen Yue! I have a complete the right to intervene in your life!  And good  that we able to fix the problem.  While it does not outgrown in the something more. Guy was much smarter than I thought and made the right decision. 

"NO! You have no right! I am your daughter, but not your property!" Screaming I  

 dad:" I only helped you understand who he is . Even if so, but better late than never. He chose the money rather than you."he replied violently                                                                                                      I was crying, crying because of his indifference , because of mom's agreement with his decisions....  half year .... just a half ago I was happy. I had a proposal from guy which I loved and as I thought loved me.  

But my parents have learned about it, and easily crossed his out of my life. More precisely they paid him. And he desappeared. Of course I didn't know about this .... when the week before the wedding he said that he should think about it again. I was crushed, I was waiting for an explanation!!! As it turned out for this all was my father.

 But go back to the conversation .............

 dad:" it's time to fulfill the promise your grandfather and me made."

" Huh? What promise? What are you?......." I was stunned

 mom:" sweetie, take it for granted, we want to you the best ..."

 goosebumps ran over my skin, I felt that something is not going well ..... 

dad: "the promise to Wang. You will marri their son"

"NO WAY?! no! please mom .... " I was stunned.  " marry for some promise ??" I begged them to give up the ideas with marriage.

 Agreeing to return to China, I do not expect such a reversal of events. I thought that i finally able  to see parents. But the return of this was my shackle, I begging .....                                                          mom not bear my tears said ....

 mom: "my baby moon, you should be good to think and answer two days later. we give you a choose .... "

I looked on them with the hope, wiping tears ....    but as it turned out in vain. 

dad:" or you agree to the engagement now and you will be time to find out his within 6 months, or you get married at the end of the month ..,"

 W-W- what? DAD NO !! What is this choice?"  I became a cry more stronger. there is no hope.        "You can't make me marry becouse of some damn promise, it is MY FVCKIN LIFE ??"                           I could barely say a words becouse of sobbing

dad: "not say stupidity Yue, it is good for your. Europe bad influence on you and this is my fault. " I closed my face and cryed heart out."

 dad:" Yue !!! As I said, two days. Two days later I am waiting for answer." He stood up of the table, looked at me and added   "I do not let you marry the foreigner." 

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