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Yue's POV.                                                   

I slowly opened my eyes and the harsh daylight made me wince in pain. This terrible headache and feeling like I was moved by a truck.                               

What happened? 

I looked around and realized that this place is not familiar to me. Excitement and fear made my heart beat at a frantic pace. This fear will probably never leave me. My nightmares have been living with me for many years, I remember this feeling very well ....                          

Feeling when you wake up in an unfamiliar place, a sense of danger ....                                                      I was 5 years old when it happened. That day I walked with a nanny in the park, we stood at the ticket office to buy tickets for rides, there was a long line, from boring waiting, I spun and looking at everything around, a man approached me and offered to ride a pony.

What child refuses?  I immediately agreed, we took a few steps.....                                                            He covered my mouth with his hand, grabbed me and ran to the side of the car standing nearby.  My nanny ran after me but it was too late, the car quickly drove off.          

From that moment on, my whole life turned upside down.                                                                                I remember how I tried to escape, screaming and biting....                                                                            Then everything was foggy, a sharp pain from the injection and I sank in the darkness.                      I heard everything but could not move. 

My body was laid on a bed in a room unfamiliar to me ... there were several people they were discussing what to do next....                                                     

"you are not going to kill her?" One asked.                                                              

"This is not your fvcking business, you did what was required of you, now we will wait for the boss's instructions" said second man                                           

"what dose did you give her? It is impossible that she died before the arrival of the boss "said the third.              

I don't know how much I stayed there, I just remember how I woke up in an unfamiliar room every morning and cried for fear and pain after the effects of drugs, until someone came and did not give me an injection so that I would not cause problems.                             

One night I was given an injection again and thrown onto the road. I didn't see anything as I plunged into darkness, but I clearly felt the cold and damp earth beneath me.                              Maybe I did not understand what death is, but at that moment I thought that I was already dead.                                

 After all this, I have nightmares in which I lie on the bed, cold and damp and cannot move, and my body is full of needles ... 

Today, having woken up in an unfamiliar place, I numb, it seemed to me that I could not move. But then I slowly got up from the bed and realized that someone else's clothes were on me, it frightened me even more. All I can remember is how I left my parents in tears, then I sat at the bar and drank ....                             

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