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"OK. OK. I'll take you wherever you say, but not now. I'm not sure, but that white car seems to be watching us." Mike said, pointing to the car standing in two cars behind them. "We need to get out of here. I can't bring you back to the hotel until I am...
I am sure that you are in safety. Trust me." asked Mike calmly and started the engine.

About two hours, Mike looked at sleeping Yue.
In his car.
Sheltered by his jacket, she slept soundly next to him.
Very near...
Only stretching out his hand and he could touch her...
Only bend down and could easily kiss her...
But she is no longer his...
Now there is another man's ring on her finger.
Now she smiles at him.
Now she will sleep like this next to him.
Now He, the other will be happy.
Not him.

Mike sighed heavily and turned away.
He should have taken her home a long time ago. He should have disappeared from her life long ago. But when she fell asleep, he simply did not find the strength to wake her up.
He took her out of town, away from danger, and enjoyed the last moments while they were together.
While he could look at her quiet sleeping face, while he could feel her warmth and her smell. He did not find the strength to interrupt this little moment of happiness of which he had dreamed for so long and with so much hope.

But everything ever ends.
And knowing that near him she was always in danger, he drove back to the city.

When they returned to the city it was already 12 noon.
Yue slowly opened her eyes and felt a close gaze on her. Turning around and seeing Mike beside her, she smiled sweetly...
but then quickly looked around and realizing that this was reality, she immediately took a serious look.

Why even now I feel protected?
Did he even sleep? No ... most likely not. He looks terribly tired.
Stupid Yue, why do you think about him? This is the last time you see him. God What does Jia do? Does Dylan know that she is missing? That she didn't sleep in her room? Does he worry? Or still asleep?

Her head exploded from thoughts and questions.

"Where are we?" She asked looking at the car window

"We are near the hotel. But I can't let you go alone. There may still be those guys. You can call him to pick you up" Mike said calmly.

"Oh... Hmm I ... I can't." She said biting her lip.

Mike turned to her. "Why?" He asked in surprise.

"I just don't know where my phone is ... and .. I don't remember a single number ...".  Except yours. Yue said mentally.

"Oh ... I still have Jia's number. If she hasn't changed it ... you .. you can call her." Mike handed her his phone.

"Thanks." Yue said and hesitantly took phone from his hand.
Wang's Mansion.

Dylan could not calm down.
He nervously walked through the house. He began to feel sick because he did not eat anything and his head ached even more than in the morning, but he ignored his condition.
His thoughts were only about Yue, about his fiancée, she managed to be her, only 8 hours.
8 hours he was her happy fiancé and then she was gone.
Leaving only a feeling of sadness and fear to him.
For 14 hours now ... she is nowhere to be found.
He felt that he would just explode if he had to wait a little longer.

He went out onto the balcony and put his face in the cold air to bring his head back to normal.

He had already opened the door and was going to come back when heard Jia, choking on the phone.

"No, no, Yue, you shouldn't go home, your and Dylan's mothers are there now. Come to Wang's Mansion, we are here. I ... we were all very worried. Thank god you're fine. Thank God." Sighing she smiled.

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